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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 8)

    “What?! What are you gonna do CRUTCH your way home?!” She spoke angrily.

    “Well right now it sounds more appealing than sitting here and hoping for a signal I can read.”

    She let out a mocking laugh, “A signal you can read?! What in the HELL is that supposed to mean?”

    “It means that at times, you pull me close to you. You want me near. But then suddenly you change, and you push me away.” She remained silent. “I cannot be just friends with you Ashley. It has to be more than that. But for right now, let me out of the car.”

    She pulled over and I took it as my cue to get out of the car. I reached for the door handle but I was stopped by Ashley grabbing my face and planting a knee-weakening kiss on my lips. “I want you.” She whispered through our lips dancing.

    I found her right hand and knew that it was up to me to break the sexual barrier she had built up. At first I just simply rubbed the palm of her hand with the tips of my fingers but then I used my free hand to unbutton my jeans and pull down the zipper. Ashley knew what I was doing, “Spencer…I…”

    I placed a finger on her lips, “Shh…I just want you to touch me.”

    I heard her hold her breath as I slowly slid her hand down my jeans and to my center. I guided her gracefully through. Then I separated two of her fingers from the rest and slid them inside of me. She let out the air that she was holding in her lungs and she stared down at what was going on beneath the light blue cotton fabric. I watched her eyes intently but then I needed to kiss her, I needed to taste some part of her. I dipped my head down to capture her downward facing lips. We kissed passionately. Her tongue glided flawlessly into my mouth, making contact with my own tongue.

    This was it. This was the point of no return. I would never come back from this if she decided that it wasn’t what she wanted. But I no longer cared. The way that she touched me made me not want to care.



    1. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

    2. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

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