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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 9)

    “Are you sure you’re going to be okay honey?” My mother yelled from the stairs into the living room.

    “Yeah mom. Ashley’s coming over later.”

    My mother gave me an odd look. I knew that she had to be growing suspicious. Luckily I was saved by the bell when my father came trudging into the living room with his bags in his arms, “See honey, I told you that Spence would be fine. So now will you ease up so that we can enjoy our weekend away?”

    My mother rolled her eyes, “Alright, alright. Let’s get the show on the road.” My mother picked up her bags and leaned over the couch, placing a kiss on my cheek, “If you need anything, call.”

    “I will.”

    My father bent over the couch and placed a kiss on my forehead, “Behave.”

    I shook my head and laughed. No matter how old I got my father would still tell me to behave. To him I was still his little girl. That was when I came to the realization that my mother would never accept Ashley and me as a couple in her house. My father would. But my mother wouldn’t hear of it. She was a bible thumping mad woman who, even though she got pregnant before she was married, claims to follow the “good book”. Suddenly the word “Hypocrite” flashed in my mind.

    I shook my head, throwing all those thoughts out. I had to get started on dinner. I had a lot of time but maneuvering through the kitchen on crutches was going to be a task all itself. Plus figuring out exactly what I was going to cook. Hopefully Ashley wasn’t going to have one of her picky nights.

    I stood in front of the refrigerator, thinking. Let’s see…we have chicken, hot dogs, lunch meat, every spaghetti sauce known to man; this is going to be a hard decision.

    Finally I came to a conclusion, chicken alfredo. It was simple and yet tasty. Plus I knew that it was one of Ashley’s favorites. Now all I had to do was get to the cooking. Which would be interesting considering that I had to try and work between the grill and the stove.

    “Dammit…why do I always have to be running late for the important things?!” Ashley silently cursed herself for taking so long to try and look just right.


    1. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

    2. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

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