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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 9)

    But this was Spencer. This was the girl that had seen her at her best and her worst and still loved her. She loved her when she was shitfaced and lying by the toilet because she was about to puke. This was the girl that loved her when she looked like a rock star in torn blue jeans and a tank top. That was when she realized that it didn’t matter what she wore…because Spencer already thought she was beautiful.

    I stood in front of the grill, one crutch under my left arm, drinking lemonade and turning the chicken over.

    “You know, you look kinda hot cooking.”

    I spun around to see Ashley standing in the back doorway. I blushed, “Yeah well, I try.”

    She walked towards me, “Mmm, smells good. What are we having?”

    I turned my back to the grill and faced Ashley, “Chicken alfredo. The alfredo and the fettuccini are already done. I just have to finish grilling the chicken.”

    She brought her left hand up to my cheek, “My hero, saving lives and saving poor girls from hunger.” She brought her lips to mine and we engaged in a tongue tying kiss.

    I almost forgot about everything else until I smelled almost burnt chicken filling my nostrils, “Whoa…hold that thought.” I spun around and lifted the lid on the grill and luckily saved the chicken before it was too gone to eat, “That…was a close one.”

    We went inside and I prepared each of our plates and then Ashley helped me out by carrying everything to the living room, “So what are we watching tonight for our ‘dinner and a movie’ date?”

    “Sweet Home Alabama.”

    “Spence…Reese Witherspoon? If we’re going to watch her can we at least pick a movie like Cruel Intentions or Fear?”

    I cocked my eyebrows, “Huh uh. We’re watching this. There’s no sex and nobody gets killed.”

    “Okay…okay. I’m only not going to argue with you because dinner looks delicious.”

    I cracked a smile and shook my head at her. She was impossible. I grabbed the remote and pushed play as she quickly dug into her pasta.

    “Well…that was a great movie…in the end.”

    My head was lying on her shoulder, “It’s kind of…romantic. Finding true love when you’re little and then re-finding it later on in life in the same person.”


    1. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

    2. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

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