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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 9)

    “They were meant to be.”

    I ran my fingers down her arm, “I wonder what that feels like.”

    Her hand found my chin and lifted my head up to look at her, “Like this.” She bent down and kissed me. It was the same gentle kiss as before. She pulled away slowly, “Wait here. I have a surprise for you.”

    I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear, “What? Are you serious?”

    “Yep.” She bit her bottom lip, “I’ll be right back.” She was off and up the stairs as I sat there in contemplation. What could she possibly have planned? It seemed like I was waiting forever until I head her come trotting down the stairs, “Close your eyes!”

    I did exactly as she said and closed my eyes tightly, “Alright…they’re closed.”

    I could feel her walk into the living room and just when I was about to peek she said the magic words, “Open them.”

    I opened my eyes to see Ashley dressed head to toe in my uniform. The camo made her brown hair look even darker. Only one word summed it up…HOT! She had on my BDU boots and my hat topped her head. My jaw was on the floor and I could feel my body warming every time my eyes looked at a different part of her body, just imagining the body that lie beneath all the camo cloth.

    “Well? What do you think?”

    I pressed my lips together trying to decide if I wanted to be subtle or not. I decided for the not, “HOT!”

    “Why yes Miss Carlin…I am.” She came closer to the couch and knelt down, “What are my orders?”

    I grabbed the hat off of her head and threw it, “I’ll give you some orders.” I didn’t realize how husky my voice was until the sentence had already passed through my lips.

    Ashley sat down on my legs, straddling me. Our lips were dancing the same way they always did. Our tongues were caressing one another. I found the button on the jacket and undid each one slowly and painfully. As soon as I had the jacket open I cupped one of her breasts with my right hand, cursing the fact that the tan t-shirt was still a barrier. Ashley slid her arms out of the jacket and placed both of her hands on my face, pulling me deeper and deeper into our kiss.


    1. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

    2. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

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