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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 9)

    I pulled the t-shirt up and ran my hands up and along her back, pushing the shirt farther and farther up. Eventually it was up and over Ashley’s head. I kissed a trail down her collar bone and found the very familiar metal objects around her neck, my dog tags. I grasped them from between her two breasts and then let them go, taking her now exposed breast into my hand. I felt Ashley’s hand move away from my face and down. She was unbuttoning the cargo’s. I slid my right hand down the front of the pants. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and she was wetter than a rain storm.

    Ashley pulled out of our kiss, looking into my blue eyes. Her breathing always changed whenever one of us got close to the other in times like these. I felt her deeply inhale as my index finger began to rub circles on her hardened nub. A slight moan passed her lips and I felt myself getting wetter by the second. Her hips were grinding into the motion. I loved the feeling of my body this close to hers. We fit one another.

    I pulled my finger away from her clit and quickly slid two fingers into her, “Oh…Spence.” Ashley breathed hard, moaning.

    I pulled her down to eye level with my left hand, “Not yet.” I lifted her off of me and onto the couch, pulling off the cargo’s as she gently came to a rest on the cushions. I lay on top of her, kissing her, “I want you to come in my mouth.”

    I slid down and connect my tongue with her center, licking and sucking. Her slender fingers were tangled in my hair as her back began to arch and her knees bent, shaking. Her moaning turned to screaming. I slid two fingers in her as I continued to message her with my tongue. I could feel her walls contracting around my fingers, she was close. I enclosed my lips around her clit, sucking and encircling it. I felt her legs tighten and then warm fluid coated my hand.

    Ashley’s eyes were staring at the ceiling, her breathing quick and deep. I crawled up her to look her into her brown eyes, “Good work soldier.”



    1. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

    2. BDU’s are so fucking hot. hahah too bad Spencer isnt in anymore…like when she reached an E-5 or E-6 she couldve gone to Drill Sergeant school….and then one of them couldve worn the Drill Sergeant hat during sex….thats just a naughty dream of mine.

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