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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 1)

    “Arthur, that’s not…”

    Cutting her off , “I’m not done, Paula. It‘s your turn to be quiet and just take it”

    Paula didn’t know how to respond to this new, authoritative Arthur. She slowly sat down on the couch and listened.

    “Paula, I know this hurts you. I know that you are a perfectionist when it comes to your life. But life is not like that. Our daughter is growing up. She’s learning what makes her happy and what does not. I know that you love her…” Arthur could see that Paula was beginning to tear up. Truly he loved his wife and knew that she was more afraid of what people thought of her than what Spencer was really going through.

    Staring at the floor, hands clasped, “Did I do this to her? Did I make her gay? I should have completely removed Ashley from her life sooner. That girl has ruined our family plans!”

    “You still don’t get it! You had nothing to do with Spencer loving Ashley. You can not control that too! Spencer is her own person. Neither you nor I can decide who any of our children fall in love with…not Glen…not Clay…not Spencer.. Don’t you see that. Some things just are.” Arthur said while putting his arm around Paula. “Let’s go and get some rest and we’ll talk about this more in the morning”. Paula sighed and walked with Arthur upstairs to bed.




    Spencer lay awake in her bed in complete darkness staring at the ceiling. She turned to look at the clock. 2 a.m.  She couldn’t take this anymore. Being in the house, not getting to see or talk to Ashley. This was pure torture. Ashley must be going crazy she thought to herself. They had shared so much and suddenly that was all cut off. As she lay in the quiet of the night, her thoughts went back to night her mom walked in on them


    The look in Ashley’s eyes were filled with lust and want. Spencer could almost hear what Ashley wanted to do to her. A wave of heat rolled through her body as she remembered the amazing way that Ashley had made her feel so many times before. She could never get enough of her. Ashley wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close letting a small moan seep out when she felt the heat from Spencer’s body.

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    1. I’m really loving this story so far. It’s different. I love the fact that you’re writing from Paula’s perspective of things. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter! PMS!

    2. I’m really loving this story so far. It’s different. I love the fact that you’re writing from Paula’s perspective of things. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter! PMS!

    3. Well, it’s well written, which is always a good start for a story. You always need a few chapters to see how something is going to turn out, but lets just say I’ll be online for chapter 2 :)

    4. Well, it’s well written, which is always a good start for a story. You always need a few chapters to see how something is going to turn out, but lets just say I’ll be online for chapter 2 :)

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