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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 1)

    Spencer could feel the heat of her breath as she leaned to whisper in her ear, “Are you as wet as I am yet?” Just the sound her voice sent a shiver down her spine. “Mmmm, even more” she responded as she lightly kissed Ashley’s lips.

    Ashley loved how Spencer responded to her. Their chemistry was indescribable. Both girls began to feel their arousal heighten as the light kisses became deep, passionate kisses. Their tongues entangled and bodies close. This felt so good. So intimate. So loving. Ashley walked them to the bed …… and then she said it again… “I love you, Spencer”…Spencer felt a warmth in her heart….And looking deep into those brown eyes she responded, “I love you too”…

    Ashley leaned over kissing her neck allowing her hands to graze over her breasts, smiling into her skin as she felt the already hardened nipple. Spencer gasped while closing her eyes to fully take in the wonderful sensations she was feeling, “Mmmm, Ashley“. Spencer’s moaning was becoming irresistible. Without thought, clothes began to come off as the kissing and touching intensified.

    And then suddenly Ashley pulled back. Spencer’s body begged for more, “Please…Ashley…don’t stop.”

    “Spencer, I…I… never want this to end.” Giving her a look that made all of Spencer’s senses alert.

    She wanted so much to show Ashley how much she loved her and tonight was it. Her parents were gone. Clay was asleep. Glen was out. They had their privacy. She would make love to Ashley like she never had before. As she placed her hand on Ashley’s shoulder, she watched Ashley close her eyes slightly with anticipation and need and then whispered, “I will never stop loving you, Ashley Davies.” She leaned to the brunette to give her a kiss that would never let her forget that and…


    Spencer thoughts were cut off as abruptly as her kiss when she remembers that was the moment that Paula walked-in. How could she ruin such a perfect moment. Spencer sat up in her bed. “I need her”. With determination on her face, she decided that she had to see Ashley tonight. She quietly got dressed, packed a few things, and headed downstairs.

    The stairs were louder than she could ever remember. To her relief, she had finally reach the bottom of the stairs. “Success” she thought to herself…

    “Spencer, what are you doing?”

    Spencer turned in complete shock. To her disappointment, it was Glen sitting on the couch in complete darkness…

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    1. I’m really loving this story so far. It’s different. I love the fact that you’re writing from Paula’s perspective of things. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter! PMS!

    2. I’m really loving this story so far. It’s different. I love the fact that you’re writing from Paula’s perspective of things. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter! PMS!

    3. Well, it’s well written, which is always a good start for a story. You always need a few chapters to see how something is going to turn out, but lets just say I’ll be online for chapter 2 :)

    4. Well, it’s well written, which is always a good start for a story. You always need a few chapters to see how something is going to turn out, but lets just say I’ll be online for chapter 2 :)

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