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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 7)

    “Yep, no band!”, Aiden said scanning the room.

    Spencer and Ashley turned to look at each other at the same time. Smiles emerged on their faces. A chance to freely be who they are in public with no interruption. No Paula. No Glen. No one caring that they were in love.

    “Oh my god, Ashley I wanna dance. Come on let’s dance”, pulling the brunette on the dance floor.

    Spencer and Ashley started dancing close. The music was fast, but slow enough to do slow. Spencer was looking around in awe of all the girls around her watching them have the same kind of chemistry that she and Ashley had. This is so amazing.

    As she turned, Ashley’s lustful eyes caught her. She moved her hands to the side of her hips pulling Spencer close moving to the music. Ashley let her lips hover inches from Spencer, kissing her after each sway.

    She’s the kind of girl you wanna marry
    Scientists say that she’s the second sunshine
    And now my life is sweeter than berries
    I guess if we have sex our love will turn to wine
    When she’s around nothing else matters
    Even if the sky was at a stand still
    If I turn my back then someone will get at her
    If I don’t someone else will

    Ashley’s kisses were getting more fervent. Spencer responded returning them with the same passion. Aiden thought. “Damn they are sexy,” unable to take his eyes off his favorite couple.

    Spencer buried her head in Ashley’s neck, kissing it lightly. She felt so free and so open to do as she pleased with no judgments. She closed her eyes and settled into her dance with Ashley that became a slow grind.

    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you
    (I’m so glad I found you – oh girl!)
    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you
    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you
    Wanna love you girl, ooo-ooh

    “Mmm…baby you feel so good..”, Ashley whispered into her ear. Spencer opened her eyes. To her surprise, she noticed a beautiful red head with piercing green eyes watching her and Ashley with a fixed gaze while dancing with another girl. Her hair was full with curls floating at the ends of the beautiful locks that were bouncing off of her flawless skin. She was gorgeous. The red head smiled at her. Spencer buried her head back into Ashley’s neck slightly blushing. She lifted her head to whisper in Ashley’s ear, “Baby, there’s a red head behind you staring at me …do you think she wants me?”

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    1. I really like this fic, its so fun. And gay night at Grey, I wish, hahah. But, Spencer is trippin right now, she is worrying me. Asking Ash what she wants to do, which is basically asking her if she wants to have a threesome with this Jessica. Un uh, Ash isn’t having that, I don’t think so. She’s too possessive for that. And Spencer even entertaining the idea is worrisome. All the gay girls in one place is fucking with her mind, lol. Update again soon.

    2. I really like this fic, its so fun. And gay night at Grey, I wish, hahah. But, Spencer is trippin right now, she is worrying me. Asking Ash what she wants to do, which is basically asking her if she wants to have a threesome with this Jessica. Un uh, Ash isn’t having that, I don’t think so. She’s too possessive for that. And Spencer even entertaining the idea is worrisome. All the gay girls in one place is fucking with her mind, lol. Update again soon.

    3. that was the hottest pg-13 post i’ve ever read…and it wasn’t because it was the wrong rating, just written really well. damn. where can i find a friend like that redhead? ash definitely needs to protect her girl!

    4. that was the hottest pg-13 post i’ve ever read…and it wasn’t because it was the wrong rating, just written really well. damn. where can i find a friend like that redhead? ash definitely needs to protect her girl!

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