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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 7)

    Ashley jumped a bit at Spencer’s comment, surprised — but not surprised — that someone was checking her girl out. She circled them around slowly to see for herself. The red head smiled and winked at Ashley as she continued to dance closely with the other girl. “Baby, I think she definitely wants…something”

    Still dancing, “How do you know that?”, whispering.

    “I just know these things…”

    “Well, let’s show her what she’s never going to have”

    “…Ohh naughty Spencer”

    Spencer wrapped Ashley in her arms tightly. Ashley did the same. They kissed each other with intensity and without thought or worry in the back of their minds. The red head watched them closely.

    Aiden hadn’t left yet because he couldn’t take his eyes of Ashley and Spencer. “Damn hot!”

    Ashley and Spencer broke the kiss. “Do you think she liked that?”, Spencer asked.

    “I know if I did, she did.,” Ashley joked.

    Spencer and Ashley walked to the bar. The red head stopped dancing with the other girl and followed them. “Hi, you two are a beautiful couple”, looking at Spencer.

    “Thanks”, Ashley said cautiously noticing.

    Still staring at Spencer, “I’m Jessica”, reaching her hand out to Spencer.

    Ashley grabbed it to shake, “I’m Spencer’s girlfriend, Ashley.”

    Jessica looked at Ashley briefly, “Nice to meet you both”, returning to look at Spencer.

    Spencer noticing the obvious interest from Jessica, looked down to avoid eye contact.

    “How long have you two been together?”, the red head inquired quickly glancing at Ashley.

    “So Jessica…we noticed you watching on the dance floor”, Ashley interjected. Is this chick hitting on Spencer? Do you want to rumble chica?!

    "Yeah I just thought you…” looking at Spencer, “…two were adorable and thought that maybe you would like a friend tonight”

    Ashley wrapped one arm around Spencer’s waist. “Oh really”. Spencer noticed Ashley’s instinct to protect her and stayed quiet.

    Ashley was getting frustrated by Jessica’s obvious interest in Spencer. This was her baby and no one else’s. To Ashley’s surprise, Spencer said, “Well there’s nothing wrong with making new friends.”

    Ashley pulled Spencer aside and moved her close to whisper in ear, “You do know what she means by friends right now, don’t you?”

    “She wants to hang out, be our friend, right?” the blonde uncertainly responded.

    “Umm…no Spencer…she want us to go down for the 3 count…add a side order to our entrée….biggie size our combo….add a shake to our fries….add a donation to our trust fund… ..get it? "

    “Oh…oh my…umm…I’m so silly…she want to hook up with us?…oh my… All these girls in here…I am just not thinking straight…”

    Ashley shook her head and kissed Spencer on the forehead.

    “So Ash…what do you want to do?”, looking back at Jessica smiling at them.


















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    1. I really like this fic, its so fun. And gay night at Grey, I wish, hahah. But, Spencer is trippin right now, she is worrying me. Asking Ash what she wants to do, which is basically asking her if she wants to have a threesome with this Jessica. Un uh, Ash isn’t having that, I don’t think so. She’s too possessive for that. And Spencer even entertaining the idea is worrisome. All the gay girls in one place is fucking with her mind, lol. Update again soon.

    2. I really like this fic, its so fun. And gay night at Grey, I wish, hahah. But, Spencer is trippin right now, she is worrying me. Asking Ash what she wants to do, which is basically asking her if she wants to have a threesome with this Jessica. Un uh, Ash isn’t having that, I don’t think so. She’s too possessive for that. And Spencer even entertaining the idea is worrisome. All the gay girls in one place is fucking with her mind, lol. Update again soon.

    3. that was the hottest pg-13 post i’ve ever read…and it wasn’t because it was the wrong rating, just written really well. damn. where can i find a friend like that redhead? ash definitely needs to protect her girl!

    4. that was the hottest pg-13 post i’ve ever read…and it wasn’t because it was the wrong rating, just written really well. damn. where can i find a friend like that redhead? ash definitely needs to protect her girl!

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