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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 8)

    Ashley smiled and laughed with Spencer. “Oh my god…did we almost just do that?, Spencer joked. Aiden walked up to them after watching all the events. “Yep, you almost did…that was…so”

    “I know….hot…Aiden you’ve got to expand your vocabulary,” Ashley laughed. “And too, I thought you were leaving.”

    “You guys are so sexy”

    “Stop it with the compliments, but that’s better. Aiden, you’re so weird tonight”, Spencer playfully slapped his arm.

    The grouped looked at each other and let out a laugh at the DJ’s next song. It was Kelis.

    My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
    and they’re like,
    its better than yours,
    damn right its better than yours,

    “Let’s go, Spencer…“, noticing Jessica still eyeing them, “ before we have strawberry milkshake all over us."

    “Okay babe…”, singing, “Damn right is better than yours, I can teach you, but I have to charge…” Ashley adored how Spencer’s mood had changed. She loved to see happy Spencer.

    Aiden shortly followed singing the rest of the chorus,

    “la la-la la la,
    warm it up.
    the boys are waiting”

    Ashley just shook her head and grinned. Not really sure if he wanted to stay or to go.




    Paula couldn’t sleep. Her thoughts were on her Spencer all night. She went to her closet and pulled out an old scrap book from a locked box. She went downstairs to the den to read in private. It was red and worn on the sides with tiny pink hearts on the front but still intact. She sat down on the floor and flipped through until she got to the pictures of her and Spencer. Laughing. Kissing. Smiling. Loving. She laughed at the memories that flooded her mind. The fun they used to have. The love they used to share. She flipped to the last two pages. On the left, the note, “We will always be.”  Spencer’s mom had given it to her the day after.  On the right, the old newspaper article about Spencer’s death with her picture at the top.  It read, "Teen commits suicide: A Love Lost".  Her beauty caught her even now. She paused in a memory.

    “Please mom…please don‘t say those things.” , Paula cried.

    “I told you Paula that was not a real relationship. A real relationship is between a boy and girl. A woman and a man!  Stop crying about this girl now!”

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