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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 8)

    “But I love her. I still love her…”

    “Paula! Cut this out right now. You are not gay! No daughter of mine will be gay! In this family, we have standards.”

    “But this is who I am. What Spencer and I have is real mom. Real! Why can‘t you see that? Why can‘t you see how much we love each other?”

    “Who you are? …Paula you can’t know who you are. You’ve just turned 15. I can’t believe we are still talking about this. It’s been almost a year since she died.”

    “Don’t you ..ever.. .ever…talk about her like that. You have no right…!”, Paula shouted.

    “Paula, I don’t want you to continue hurting like this. You’re life is going to change. Just wait and see. Soon you won’t even think about this at all”.


    Paula’s thoughts stopped suddenly. Am I …my mother? Am I doing to my daughter what my mother did to me? Am I really that cruel to my baby girl? Oh my god. What has happened to me?

    Paula’s tears were visible. She hadn’t even noticed Glen walk in the room. He had been staring at her flipping her scrap book for some time now.

    “Mom, are you okay?,” Glen asked.

    Startled she slammed the scrapbook shut, “Oh Glen…” standing up and wiping her eyes , “Umm… I… didn’t know you were up. Everything okay honey?” , desperately trying to pull herself together.

    “Who was that girl with you in those pictures, mom?”

    “It’s late Glen, we should go to bed”, Paula walked out of the room with the scrapbook and went upstairs.

    Glen followed, “Mom, you are obviously not alright.”

    “Glen, not now” continuing to walk upstairs.

    “But mom, what were those pictures…was that you kissing a girl?…”, Glen insisted.


    “Glen! For the last time …go…to…bed!”, Paula slammed her bedroom door shut.

    Glen stepped back his mouth hanging open, nearly getting hit by the door.

    Paula leaned against the other side of the door and silently cried in the dark

    “Paula, what’s going on? I think that with all your crying today. It’s about time that you tell me…” Arthur said standing behind his wife placing his hands along her arms.

    At that moment, Paula collapsed…fainting on the floor…






















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