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    Love’s Game…Wanna Play? – (Chapter: 5- Is This Okay?)

    The person on the phone was her brother, Glenn. "What is it?" She asked, a bit annoyed at the interruption. "Are you with her?" He added emphasis on the "her" because he knew that Spencer knew exactly whom he was talking about. Spencer let out a huff at Glenn’s frankness. "Now, you sound like Mom." Ashley eyes shot up to meet Spencer’s gaze, tears striking her beautiful _mocha eyes.  She looked away not wanting Spencer to see the tears that had spilled over onto her tanned cheeks. She wiped them away quickly, making sure that Spencer didn’t see. Too late, Spencer had seen the tears while they were still within their limits and was worried that Ashley thought that it was her father on the phone, instead of her brother. Spencer placed a reassuring palm to Ashley’s face and turned it to where Ashley’s stare met with her own. She reassured Ashley of her love with a sweet smile and a tilt of her head (Spencer’s patent tilt). Ashley smiles back at her and lay her head in Spencer’s lap, never wanting to move.
    Spencer talked to Glenn for about 10 more minutes and in that time she felt awkward talking to her brother while she was topless so she had put her shirt back on, much to the dismay of her turned on girlfriend. "Okay, Glenn, fine. Bye. What? You can’t tell me to do that! Fuck you, Glenn!" She slammed her phone shut and then opened it only to turn the thing off. She let out an annoyed groan and said, "I hate him!" to no one in particular. Ashley replied back though, "He’s still family though." She looked at her frustrated girlfriend with innocent eyes. Spencer smiled at her with everything she had and leaned into her and kissed her. She then stopped and leaned back into her spot and just looked into Ashley’s eyes. Ashley took that as a go ahead and leaned on top of her, making her lie flat on the bed. They met in a passionate, lingering kiss. Ashley moved her hands to the hem of Spencer’s shirt and began lifting it off once again. Spencer put up her arms to make it easier. Ash then took off her own shirt and undid her bra. She let it fall to the side. Spencer looked at Ashley with such needing eyes. She reached up and placed pleading fingers onto Ashley’s breasts with such tenderness, but such want as well.
    Ashley’s fingers went in search of Spencer’s button of her jeans. She pulled then down, then came back up, planting tender kisses on Spencer’s stomach as she advanced. Spencer felt vulnerable but she knew she was safe with Ashley. Ashley reached for her own pants’ button. Spencer placed a hand on top of Ashley’s and said…"Ash, wait, I don’t know how to-" She was interrupted by Ashley’s lips and mouth that were pressed down on hers. Spencer let out a soft moan as their tongues met. Ashley again reached for her button and this time she wasn’t stopped. She wriggled out of them and then went her underwear as well. She was actually nervous about being naked. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ she asked herself. ‘I’ve done this a million times.’ A grin appeared on her face when she realized why this time was different than the last. ‘This has to be perfect for Spencer.’
    Ashley’s thoughts stopped entirely when she noticed that Spencer had been doing some undressing of her own. There Spencer was lying naked underneath the gorgeous brunette. Ashley smiled at Spencer, as if telling her that she would never want to forget this night. Spence smiled back at her and slung an arm around Ashley’s neck and pulled her down to her. She came down without a fight and they were quickly entwined in a kiss. Ashley moved her right hand down Spencer’s side until she got to her hip. She lifted her torso slightly so she could fit her hand between Spencer’s legs. She did, and began rubbing Spence’s clit with her index finger. Spencer’s breathing increased and she let out a gasp of pure ecstasy. A wide grin fell over Ashley’s face as she gave her newfound girlfriend pleasure.
    "Are you okay?" Ashley asked, "is this okay?" She plunged two fingers deep in the blonde’s center. Spencer’s eyes widened and she could barely breath. All she could even try to say was, "Fuck…Ash." She bucked her hips towards the girl that was giving her so much pleasure and passion. Ashley responded by urging her fingers deeper and deeper into Spencer. She plunged in and out of Spencer slower than she would every other time but she wanted to be gentle with her new girlfriend.
    "I’m so close." Spencer said in a raspy voice barely getting the syllables out at all. "I feel you." Ashley whispered in her ear, and she did. Spencer’s muscles were tightening around her fingers. Ashley rubbed Spence’s clit with her palm while still having her fingers deep inside. Spencer opened her eyes and arched her back. Ashley could feel why, the cause exploding into her hand. Spence lifted up her head so that her mouth was in close proximity with Ashley’s ear. "I want to do that to you, Ashley." She whispered, her hot breathe sending a shiver from Ashley’s head to her toes. Ashley raised her hand slightly, high enough that Spence could see. "This is enough for me, Spence, I mean hearing you, feeling you, just being with you does it for me."
    With that, Ashley collapsed into Spencer’s arms and fell to sleep. Spence couldn’t help but stay awake and reflect on what had just happened that night. She had watched her family fall apart all together, had the best moment with Ashley she has had yet. She smiled to herself knowing it wouldn’t be the last. She fell asleep with that thought running through her head. She dreamt of waking up in Ashley’s arms the next morning.
    Sun poured in through the window and awoke the sleeping beauty. She fluttered her eyes open, she was disappointed to discover she wasn’t in Ashley’s arms. Ashley wasn’t even in the bed with her, she wasn’t in the room, in fact. Spencer looked around flustered, looked down at herself and remember she had no clothes on. She first looked on the floor where the garments had been discarded the previous night. There wasn’t anything on the floor that hadn’t been there before last night. She looked around and there, on the nightstand, were her clothes, neatly folded and stacked. Spencer smiled at the thought of Ashley cleaning up but the innocent thought quickly transformed into Ashley in a sexy maid outfit with one of those feather dusters, teasing her with the duster. Spencer gasped at her own imagination and shook her head, attempting to dismiss herself from the thought entirely.
    At that moment, Ashley burst into the room, holding a carrier with 2 cups in it and a medium sized paper bag. She smiled when she saw that her girlfriend was awake, "Morning, sunshine." She said as she kissed Spencer on the forehead, then the cheek, then finally the lips, "MM.," Spencer noted that Ashley tasted like cinnamon. Ashley smiled at Spencer before holding out the things she’d brought out in front of her while she said, "I come bearing cappuccino and bagels." As she held out each one. Spencer smiled at her with all the love she had for her and Ashley knew it. She leaned and kissed her, holding the carrier and the bag on either side of them. Spencer wrapped her arms around Ashley’s neck, making holding the items that much harder. Ashley broke the kiss, which made Spencer think something was wrong. Ashley gave her a reassuring smile and put the carrier and the bag down without breaking eye contact. Ashley leaned into Spencer, kissing her with everything she had. They break the kiss but not willingly; however, the need for oxygen was creeping up on them. Ashley cracked up laughing, which made Spencer start doing the same. "What’s…so…funny?" Spencer got out in between fits of laughter. "It’s nothing, I just think you’re cute." She replies to her still laughing girlfriend. "Oh, so you’re laughing at me?" Spencer said a bit annoyed but Ashley knew she was kidding around. Ashley leaned in and kissed Spencer softly and whispered, "maybe a little." Spencer screeched, "Hey!" and threw a pillow at the brunette, who quickly pounced on the blonde and began tickling her.
    Spencer immediately started flailing around and laughing and hollering for Ashley to stop her assault. "Ow! Oh my gah, Ash!" Spencer yelped in pain. Ashley quickly ceased her movements, she thought she had hurt her girlfriend. Little did she know, Spencer had faked her injury and was now planning her counter-attack. The shorter girl rolled over onto the taller girl, so the taller girl was now on the bottom. "No fair! Faking an injury is cheating!" Ashley complained. Spencer made certain that the brunette couldn’t say another word by leaning down and pressing her lip on Ashley’s, as well pressing her body against the taller girl’s. "Are you trying to top me, Miss Carlin?" Ashley said with a devilish grin on her face. Spencer put on an innocent face that Ashley found adorable and said, "Not me, I would never." She smiled obviously fibbing.
    They began kissing again and they made love for the 2nd time. They both knew it was more than just having sex. They could really go without sex at all, or could they? The better question is, can Ashley go without it?


    1. I know i should be updating my fic right now but I wanted to read this first. LOL I love it, I wonders whats gonna happen when Spencer being without Ash, Keep up the great work, PMS

    2. I know i should be updating my fic right now but I wanted to read this first. LOL I love it, I wonders whats gonna happen when Spencer being without Ash, Keep up the great work, PMS

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