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    Love’s Game…Wanna Play? – (Chapter: when push comes to shove (6)

    "Yes, it did."

    "So that kiss was an accident, then?"


    "Excuse me?"

    "It wasn’t me!"

    "I stood here and saw you do it, Ashley!" with that, Spencer walked away and left a stunned Ashley behind.

    If she comes after me, I’ll forgive her.’ Spencer thought, her heart breaking with each step she took. In truth, she knew exactly what had happened, but she wanted Ashley to confirm it. It had all been Madison. Tears rolled down Spencer’s cheeks in a long stream of sadness.

    Ashley watched her walk away, not thinking Spence wanted to talk. After all, she was walking away from her. Ashley wanted to go after her, she even took a step forward, and ‘Maybe she wants alone time?’ Ashley thought. ‘Oh well’ She ran after the blonde. "Spencer! Spencer, stop!" She caught up because Spencer had stopped dead in her tracks when Ashley called her name. "Spencer, I love you." Ashley said slightly winded, "You’re the only person I wanna be with." That’s all Spencer needed to hear, and enveloped Ashley, nearly knocking her down. She had jumped on her and wrapped her legs around Ashley’s waist and kissed her. When the kiss ended, Ashley was smiling ear to ear, "Was that a very, very nice way of saying, ‘I love you, too’?" She asked still grinning. Spencer nodded slowly then more with a purpose saying, "Yes," softly. Ashley let Spencer slide down her body, until Spencer was standing on her own 2 feet once again. They did not want to let go of each other. Truthfully, they wanted to stay in each other’s arms forever. Neither of them had a problem with that, but the principal did.

    "Ladies," He interrupted their shared moment, "PDA is a 2nd offence. Detentions for both of you, tomorrow and the next day." He turned to walk away when Spencer stopped him much to the surprise of her brunette companion. "Correct me if I’m wrong, sir, but in the handbook it specifically said ‘boy-girl relationships.’ But Ashley and I are a girl-girl relationship." Ashley immediately grinned at the blonde haired, blue-eyed girl’s clever loophole.
    The balding man was dumb-founded. He had no idea what to respond with. After all, Spencer was right, the handbook specified nothing about homosexual relationships. The vertically challenged principal sighed and simply stated, "I guess you’re right, Miss…"

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