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    Love’s Game…Wanna Play? – (Chapter: when push comes to shove (6)

    " Carlin." Spencer gave him nothing but that. "Miss Carlin, you have opened my eyes to change the handbook." He responded to her frankness and walked away, defeated by a student.

    "Well I do believe you’ve jus made it to rebel status, Miss Spencer Carlin." They shared a chuckle. Spencer replied, "Anything to be able to kiss you anytime I want." "Oh really?" Ashley inquired, moving closer, putting her hands on the blonde’s waist. "Really." Spencer retorted, wrapping her own arms around Ashley’s neck. "Yay for moi, then," Ashley smiled, kissing her girlfriend gently. "Yay for us," Spencer corrected. But once again the perfect moment was interrupted, this time by Madison. "Hey, estupida! Don’t think you can do that to me and get away with it." Spashley slowly broke apart as the intruder grew closer. She began ranting something in Spanish as she marched up to the couple. She shoved Spencer roughly causing Spencer to swagger backwards. Ashley was sick of Madison! She football tackled the Hispanic girl to the ground. She wasn’t nearly through with her yet though. She straddled Madison and began punching her in the face, continuously. All the while, Madison was jolting and screaming in Spanish. Spencer kept trying to pull Ash off the bewildered Latina, not succeeding until Ashley was through pulverizing Madison.

    A reasonable size crowd had gathered to watch the beatdown that was occurring. When Ashley finally got back to her feet she yelled, "You ever touch Spencer again…I’ll do worse than this, bitch!" Madison scampered off, breaking a trail in the circular audience. Spencer and Ashley were left in the circle being stared at by their peers. "Ash," Spencer whispered to her companion. "Yeah, Spence?" There was a brief pause before; "Can we go home, now?" Ashley busted out laughing as the crowd slowly dispersed to their cars. Ashley’s hair was a bit besheveled from the fight and when they got into her car, Spencer started giggling. Ashley looked at her and asked, "What’s so funny?" Spencer cracked up even harder. She pointed to the sun visor on the driver’s side and said, "look at your hair," still not being able to control her amusement. The brunette flipped down the visor, revealing the tiny mirror underneath. "wha-" She began before she looked at her reflection and cut herself off when she saw what was amusing her lover so much. "Oh wow," she said, fixing her brown locks. Spencer was still chuckling but she was at least trying to suppress it. "Stop laughing at me!" Ashley said with a chuckle in her own voice. "I fixed it, how’s it look?" she asked her partner. There was still a few strands sticking out in random spots. They both smiled widely, "Amazing."

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