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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 1: Free Odds)

    Staring up at the mirror, there’s only one thing I can do, agree with the bitch. A shock of black hair appears over my shoulder, followed by twinkling hazel eyes. “Ten minutes.” I run a ruddy hand absently through my frosted spikes then uncap the mouthwash. I swig it, gurgling loudly. He gets the drift and finally wonders over to my bed to have a seat. I watch him in the mirror absorbed by the tiny Rubik’s cube attached to his keys. My socks and boots come next, followed by my shirt and just like that. I’m presentable. Sort of. He looks up when I walk towards the table, searching under the mound of crap on it’s surface for my gun. It’s still in my holster and I strap both on before shrugging into my jacket. I feel my back pocket and nod. I’m all business now, transformation’s complete. We walk out and as I lock the door a burst of freezing rain sears my face. I look at him expectantly, but he doesn’t say it. That’s good, ’cause I’m not going back for a goddamn hat.

    Our footsteps echo hollowly down the slippery, metal staircase. My fingers are burning, they’re so cold. He takes his time on purpose. When the lock pops, I’m in the car in a instant, blowing into my cupped hands. Two cranks and the nondescript gray Ford Contour stumbles to life. I reach for the heater, but he swats my hand away. “I fucking changed the stickers.” His eyebrow raises and it’s my turn to smirk. I point to the little cube swinging from the ignition, feeling my smile grow wider as the meaning finally sinks in. He doesn’t respond until we pull up to our current home away from home. It’s nondescript too. Thirty-two identical white metal cages all with different signs. Ace Plumbing. ABC Pest and Lawn. We park in front of Johnson Electrical. “She’s right you know…you are one lousy fuck.” I know this is going to be it, my last moment of peace for a while, so I let the door slam behind him. Under florescent lights, the icy drops glisten like diamonds. Shimmering, they reflect the light, making me feel five again. Before I know it, my mouth opens. Pushing my tongue past frozen lips, I close my eyes, trying to catch one.


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