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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 2: Loaded Dice)


    Grinning, I kiss her check gently, “How about an angel for the angel?” Blushing, she nudges my stomach softly, “We both know I ain’t no angel.” Walking to counter, I fill the sink, squirting some soap onto my palm. “Well, honey, anybody that can make me feel like that, must be heaven sent!” In the mirror, I watch her step into her heels as I lather my face and hands. “What’s up with you and angels all of a sudden? You ain’t exactly the religious type.” I dip my head below the water for a minute, washing all the suds away. When I look up, she’s standing next to me, holding a fresh towel. Grinning at our reflections, I take it, swiping at my face and hands. Reaching for my jacket, I shrug it on, checking my shirt and hair in the mirror. “So, I’ll see you soon, huh?” Nodding, Karen smiles, pulling me into her arms, “I don’t know, depends on where you goin’.” I stare into those baby blues for a moment before kissing her again. “It must be pretty important to get you and sourpuss out here tonight in all this shit.” Laughing, I run my fingers through her shiny, red curls, “Babe you gotta take it easy on Aid. It’s not his fault.”


    Sighing, I pretend to wipe an errant tear before continuing shakily, “See the poor kid never gets laid and his partner is this fucking stud that gets all the girls.” Giggling, she slaps me lightly, shaking her head, “You know you’re full of shit right Carlin?” Smirking, I reach for my wallet, pulling it out of my back pocket. “Got you didn’t I?” Her brow furrows as she preens, staring into the mirror, “Since when do you pay?” Taking out five twenties, I grab her hand, closing her fingers around the bills. “I’m not paying. Get your hair done. Buy some ice cream. Hell, stock up on chocolate syrup, you know, for next time.” I can feel her stare as I head for the door. “Hey stud, be careful, okay?” Sometimes it’s easier if you don’t turn around. Instead, I let her hear the smile in my voice, “Always, baby. Always.”

    * * * * *

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    1. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    2. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    3. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

    4. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

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