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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 2: Loaded Dice)

    “You almost missed the final boarding call.” Ignoring his glare, I fiddle with my seatbelt for a moment, before leaning back. “Christ, you’re bitchy tonight. For your information, I was busy.” Snorting, Aiden frowned, roughly knocking my arm off the armrest with his. “Whatever.” Out of the corner of my eye, I watch his face darken as he leans closer, sniffing. “What noise does a vinegar truck make when it crashes into water a truck?” Rolling my eyes, I sigh before responding tiredly, “Douche, dumbass.” Unbuckling his seatbelt, I watch as he angrily moves one seat over, “Maybe you can share that little tip with the next bitch you decide to fuck.” Grinning cheekily, I place my hand on his thigh, squeezing suggestively, “You just let me and Spencer junior know when and where honey.” Silence assured for the rest of the flight, I sigh, finally closing my eyes.

    * * * * *

    “You’re sure about this?”

    “Absolutely, I double-checked everything myself.”

    “We’ll be in touch.”

    “Wait, what about the money? You said I’d get paid for this.”

    If this all checks out, you will be adequately compensated.”

    “Oh, it’ll it check out.”

    “Great, then you don’t have anything to worry about.”

    Karen looked at the pay phone’s dead receiver for a moment before hanging up. Glancing at the terminal screen, she watched the flight information for 542 disappear from the board. Biting her lip, she swallowed hard against a sudden bout of nausea. “Karen, you okay?” Flinching, the redhead, nodded, “Jesus, you scared me Maureen! I’m fine, just felt a little sick for a minute.” The other woman gently rubbed her back, “Well, you’re as white as a sheet hon.” Squeezing the tan hand in hers, Karen allowed herself to be led to a row of benches.

    * * * * *

    Christine shivered as she hurriedly typed in her security code. Entering the mansion’s kitchen, she quickly began turning on all the lights. Making her way upstairs, she continued to flip each switch along the way. Reaching the second floor, she swiped at the switch. When it didn’t turn anything on, her stomach dropped. Slowly, Christine began backing up, holding onto the banister tightly. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Ashley stepped out of the hallway’s shadows, smiling. “Don’t you know its unsafe living alone mother? So easy to have an accident. No way to call for help, they probably wouldn’t find your body for days.” Returning her daughter’s viscous smile, Christine boldly stepped forward, planting both feet squarely onto the landing. “I hate to think I’m causing you so much worry dear.”

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    1. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    2. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    3. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

    4. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

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