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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 2: Loaded Dice)

    Stalking closer, the smaller brunette doesn’t stop until their noses are almost touching. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out about your little jaunt downtown? What exactly did you tell them?” Widening her eyes innocently, Christine, paused before responding, “Hmm, at my age it’s so hard to remember anything.” Both women turned to look downstairs at the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. Christine blanched when she recognized the ascending figure. Clamping onto her daughter’s arm, she shrilly began to beg, “Ashley, please! Please don’t do this!” After tearing her mother’s hands from her body, Ashley nodded to the man standing behind them. “Let’s start this again shall we? What the fuck did you say?”

    * * * * *

    Madison sat up dazedly, taking a few moments to recognize where she was. Groaning, she stood up, blearily looking around the room. Rolling her eyes at the off key humming coming from the bathroom, she walked over to the closet, extracting a shimmering white, thigh-high robe. After draping the silky material around her body, Madison started towards the kitchen when her phone rang. She pouted at the caller id for a moment before deciding to answer, “What?”

    Kyla puffed slowly, drawing fragrant smoke deep into her lungs. Sinking deeper into the tub, she leaned back, leaving only her pursed lips above water. Madison walked into the steamy bathroom one recently manicured hand holding the cell phone to her ear, the other playing with the knot on her robe’s belt. “Yeah, I’ll tell her. No, she’s right here. Smoking a blunt. Yeah. No. Whatever, Francis! No, I already told you, I’m not going back to that crazy bitch. I don’t care what she says. Huh, really? How many carats?” Glancing towards the tub, Madison grinned before walking back into the bedroom, untying her robe.

    * * * * *

    “Did you get her?” Nodding, Francis walked back into the living room. “What about Ky?”

    “She was there too.” Ashley stepped closer to her mother, warning her with a look before ripping the duck tape from her lips. Christine wisely kept her mouth shut despite her watering eyes. “I want you to think long and hard about what we’ve talked about.” Strumming her mother’s lips, Ashley smiled warmly, “See everything depends on you keeping these little guys closed. If you don’t think you can’t do that, I’m sure I can figure out a few ways to help. Would you like my help mother?” Gulping, Christine shook her head. “Hmm, well the next time I visit, I just won’t take no for an answer.”

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    1. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    2. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    3. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

    4. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

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