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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 2: Loaded Dice)

    * * * * *

    “What the hell?” Removing his black floppy hat, Francis shook his long hair out. “It’s raining!” Ashley’s cheeks puffed out as she exhaled loudly, “You know you’re worse then a woman, right?” She waited impatiently as her bodyguard pulled his, wavy, naturally curly hair into a tight pony tail. “Francis!”

    “Alright bitch, I just got my hair done, damn!” Groaning, Ashley shook her head, mumbling under her breath. When her phone rang, she quickly reached for it, glad for the distraction. “What’s up Man? How long ago? From who? Who? Yeah, yeah, the one with the tits.” Ashley pursed her lips, glaring as Francis pulled a small brush from his jacket pocket. Flipping the Escalade’s sun visor down, he leaned towards the light, carefully brushing his beard and moustache down. After taking a quick swipe at his eyebrows, he finally put the brush away and started the truck. “No, I’m not on my way yet. No, fool, ‘cause fucking, Miss Black America here had to get ready for the evening gown round.”

    * * * * *

    Ratty, pink flamingos surround the restaurant’s humming, half-lit neon sign. El Arroyo. The Ditch. How fucking appropriate. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” As usual Aiden doesn’t respond with words. In fact, his only response is a raised middle finger. Did I mention this was gonna be a shitty day? Well, even I can be literal sometimes. Wordlessly, I slide across cracked, green plastic, settling into the sticky booth across from him. I don’t even bother with the menu, there’s only one safe dish to eat in a joint like this. Nachos. Cheese nachos. “So, what did Stanzio say?”

    “He said to watch our fucking asses and to get some sleep. We don’t have to meet up with the survo team ‘til nine.”

    “How long they been on the penthouse?”

    “Just started today…”



    “They seen Davies yet?”


    * * * * *

    Madison continued to fuss with her hair as the door opened behind her. “Hey, baby.” Ashley snorted as she removed her jacket, draping it over her couch. “What happened, Ky finally get tired of my sloppy seconds?” Standing, Madison turned slightly, letting the brunette’s white men’s dress shirt she wore, fall open, revealing perfectly bronzed cleavage. Ashley felt herself throb when the Latina sashayed her way to the bed, purring as she crawled onto its pillow-top surface. Smiling coyly over her shoulder, Madison teasingly shook her bare ass. Brown eyes darkened as she suddenly flipped over onto her back, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. Ashley jerked her suspenders down before frantically clawing at her pants. Bending, she ripped her shoes off, tossing them over her shoulders. Madison screamed when Ashley pounced, tearing at the shirt’s thin fabric. Tanned fingers threaded roughly into honey locks. Groaning, Madison arched her head back, exposing more flesh to Ashley’s darting tongue. The brunette growled as her grinding sex met a slender, thrusting thigh. Madison grinned at the woman hovering above her, “Is that what you need daddy?” Ashley growled deeper, slipping her hand between their sweat slickened bodies. “This is what I fucking need.”

    * * * * *

    “Madison!” Kyla arched an eyebrow as the house phone continued to ring. “Goddamn, lazy ass bitch…” Mumbling, the brunette reluctantly left the lukewarm tub. Stopping at the foot of her bed, Kyla snatched the pair of hot pink, bikini panties from her pillow, staring at the hastily written note scrawled over the crotch. “Oh, no she fucking didn’t!” Stalking to her closet, Kyla grabbed a pair of jeans and wife beater. Reaching up to the top shelf, she carefully removed her favorite Glock. “Peewee!” A tall, muscular, blonde man appeared in the bedroom’s doorway. After gaping for a moment at Kyla’s lithe, still dripping body, he closed his mouth and covered his eyes with his hands. Peewee’s hands slipped momentarily in surprise when he heard the unmistakable sound of a clip being locked and loaded. “Yeah, boss?”

    “Get the goddamn car ready, we’re goin’ for a fucking ride!”

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    1. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    2. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    3. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

    4. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

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