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    Making Up

    They leaned back into eachother for another heated kiss, and the skin to skin feel was not enough this was make up sex after all it was supposed to be intense. Spencer got of the cot and just stripped the rest of her clothes off and after Ashley caught the glazed over look in her girlfriends eye of course she did the same. So finally naked they resumed their possistion on the cot and this time the skin to skin feel was more than enough to get moans from both girls.

    Ashley didn’t waste anytime she wanted Spencer and she wanted her now so she pulled Spencer up to her mouth and Spencer was more than happy to stradle the older girls face.

    "Ohh fuck." Spencer leaned her left hand against the wall to steady herself and her right hand went right into Ashley’s hair subconsiously fueling the fire by pulling it. Ashley took her ring finger and stuck it deep in Spencer and moved it in and out a few times pulling a few more moans out of Spencer and then once it was wet enough she moved it to Spencers ass and put it inside slowly.

    "Fuck me Ash." Ashley couldn’t help but smile into Spencer’s pussy at that she loved to here Spencer swear during sex since she never would any other time. She moved her middle and pointer finger into her girlfriend and just held it still why Spencer moved back and forth on them between the finger in her ass and pussy she felt so full. Ashley licked at Spencer’s clit like a kitten eating a bowl of milk and moved her free hand up to Spencer’s breast to roll her nipples between her fingers.

    "Ahhh……I…..ohh…..fuck I’m… so. close…" Spencer moved both her hands to steady herself against the wall as she slamed herself onto Ashley’s fingers. Ashley moved her free hand up to Spencer’s mouth and Spencer took them between her teeth. Spencer’s whole body tightened when Ashley sucked hard at Spencer’s clit but kept her tongue moving fast against it.

    "OHHHHHHHH GOD….OHH MY GOD ASSHHHHHHHHHHHH" Spencer came hard and Ashley took her hand from Spencer’s mouth and ran it slowly over her lips down her neck and then slid it to the back of her neck and down her back as she guided Spencer onto her back. She kept her fingers moving slowly as Spencer rode out another wave of tremors and then slowly pulled them out and let Spencer recover. Pulling the blanket from the top of the cot over her girlfriend.

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    1. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

    2. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

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