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    Making Up

    After a few minutes Spencer opened her eyes and looked at Ashley who was kneeling on the floor but stroking Spencer’s hair.

    "What are you doing down their?" Spencer asked her voice actually hoarse from screaming.

    "Well look at your body you are taking up the whole thing." Ashley laughed back at Spencer pointing to how Spencer is stretched out and her legs were wide open.

    "That part is your fault." Spencer joked pointing to her legs wide open.

    "I will take that as a compliment." Ashley leaned forward and kissed Spencer. After a few more kisses Ashley breaks away and looks at Spencer.

    "We need to get dressed no matter how slow Chelsea walks she wont be gone to much longer." Spencer grabs Ashley behind her neck as she tried to move.

    "I think we have…..a few more minutes." She winked at Ashley and pulled her against her body on the cot. Ashley wraped her left arm around Spencer and put her right hand under her head. Spencer moved her hand down Ashley’s body and flicked her clit with her thumb loving the sharp intake of breath she heard Ashley take in. She moved so she was more on top of Ashley and leaned in for a kiss. When she felt Ashley’s tongue request entrance she sucked it into her mouth why she pushed 2 fingers inside the older girl.

    "Ahh Spence." Ashley dug her nails in Spencer’s back and bit Spencer’s lip hard enough to make it bleed. Spencer didn’t wait very long Ashley was so wet Spencer slammed her fingers in and out of Ashley as hard and fast as she could she moved her thumb back and forth over her clit. "Oh fuck."


    They both froze for a minute and Ashley looked up at Spencer and begged with her eyes whispering, "Spence please dont stop I am so close."

    "Hey guys can I come in?" They heard Chelsea ask.

    "One minute." Ashley’s cracked voice answered just loud enough for Chelsea to hear and Spencer looked into her eyes and smiled.

    "You have to be quiet ok." Ashley just nod her head knowing at this point she would agree to anything.

    Spencer moved her body down to help her girlfriend as fast as she could. Ashley opened her legs and when she felt Spencer’s tongue circling her clit she thought she would cum on the spot. "Ohh…baby that feels so ……good." Ashley whispered but her voice cracked towards the end. She put her own hand over her mouth and bit at her fingers to keep from screaming. Her head was swimming.

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    1. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

    2. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

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