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    Making Up

    "Harder…Im so close."

    Spencer pushed a 3rd finger inside Ashley and bent them to find that spot she knew would push Ashley over.

    "AHHHH SPENCE." Ashley screamed and they both knew their was no way Chelsea didn’t hear her. Ashley’s whole body tightened and she grabed the sides of the cot as Spencer slowed her fingers. When she calmed down Spencer pulled her fingers out and got up quick she put her own clothes on hating how bad it felt to have her underware back on right now. And then helped Ashley sit up and basically dressed the girl because her body felt like Jell-O.

    "How do I look?" Ashley asked and Spencer realized that even if she didn’t hear them their was no way Chelsea wasn’t going to know what was going on.

    "Like you just had really good make up sex." Spencer laughed as Ashley groaned and fell back on the cot. She walked to the door and let Chelsea know it was ok to come in. Chelsea tried to hide her smile but she couldn’t hold in her next comment.

    "So I guess I dont need to ask if you guys made up!" She laughed out loud when Ashley just groaned again and pulled the blanket up over her head Spencer sat back down on the end of the cot pulling the blanket back off her and kissing her sweaty head.

    "Thanks Chels we…….got alot worked out." Spencer smiled big and made eye contact with Ashley who had a big smile of her own.

    "Riiiiiiight I am so throwing that cot out." They both looked at her and turned red and she started laughing again.

    "Well I need to get home, Ash will you drop me off?"  She smiled at Ashley and helped her up off the cot holding hands they said goodbye to Chelsea and thanked her for everything.  When they pulled up to Spencer’s house after a short kiss Spencer got out and walked around to the drivers side door.

    "I may be angry again tomorrow too."  She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows up and down before turning to walk in her house hearing yet another groan from her girlfriend and she wasn’t sure but she thought she heard something about how she is making the dog house very appealing.

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    1. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

    2. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

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