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    Marshall Daniel's Boarding School For Girls – (Chapter: Chapter 41 On the Road)

    Ashley: “Spencer! Spencer, baby, slow down!” She begs loudly as she straps herself into the passenger’s seat. I hear two other belts buckling in the back and know that my friends have copied my girlfriend’s actions.

    Spencer: “I can’t, I need to catch up to them!”

    Gage: “Spence, we’re in a fucking Aston fucking Martin! A 2010 V8 Vantage! This thing does zero to 120 in 4.9 seconds! We could drive to school and back and still beat them down the street. They’re in a fucking Saab!”

    But I’m not listening. My anger is only increasing and is further being fueled by Bulls on Parade, which is pounding through the sound system to the beat of my heart.

    Far in the distance, I see tiny red pinpricks signaling my prey. I look down at the speedometer only to realize that, in fact, Gage is slightly right. I’m doing ninety…effortlessly. I’ve only just pulled away from the curb and I’m already doing fucking ninety! I got to get me one of these!

    Sara: “Spencer, honey, do you think that you could possibly just go just a liiiiiiltte bit slower? My cheeks are actually quivering back here!”

    Spencer: “Ashley!” I yell as I push the pedal down harder when the Saab in the distance makes a turn. I need to hurry so I don’t lose them!

    Ashley: “Uh…yeah, Spencer?!” I glance over at her briefly to see her one hand gripping the soft leather seat while the other is firmly clasped on the hand grip hanging from the roof of the interior; a look of sheer terror on her face.

    Spencer: “It’s not that I don’t want to marry you!”

    Ashley: “Um…okay?” She answers nervously.

    Ashley/Gage/Jess/Sara/Kelly: “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!” They all scream out as I whip the car around the corner that the Saab disappeared down a few moments ago. I quickly increase pressure on the gas to make up for the fact that I had to slow the car down to seventy miles an hour to make the turn.

    Spencer: “It’s just that I’m really scared, ya know! I mean, we’re so young, and so many people have turned their backs on me! People that I love that I thought cared about me! And I really am so sorry that you had to go through with all of that tonight. With all the girls I’ve been with there!”

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    1. could i possibly be first comment? oh i do hope so!anyway, great chapter! i was so worried when glen came into the picture. i’m so happy he’s being so nice! spencer has to have some blood relation she can count on…and not gonna lie, i kind of wanted to see gage fuck up erika simmons…but i’m glad how it turned out

    2. you have made my day off on a nice day a hella lot better !! , the car chase was great and funny because of Spencer’s rage enduced insanity,along with the girls and the”HITLIST” , and Glen and meeting her Niece was absolutely Endearing!!! YOU ARE AMAZING and I KNOW THERE ARE GONNA BE MORE OF THE YOU ARE AMAZING and THE STORY IS AMAZING still to come with many other of the comments !!! I HEART STIX !!!

    3. Bugger me…who needs drugs when your putting this stuff up, I was getting all fidgety reading the car chase part (shame I can’t drive). I’m glad Glen isn’t being a tit like Clay was, and I still wanna see the lil Ohio nastys get a poke or two =] Anyways awesome update, made me feel loads better *thumbs up*

    4. im sorry im commenting again but if i had to leave a best comment phrase i’d have to give to xxwoo-wooxx for saying” I’m Glad Glen isn’t being a TIT like Clay…” that had me cracking up !!!!

    5. oh my god I thought for a second that glen is giving spencer a hard time,but anyway I really love this story..I hope it spencer doesnt need to emancipate herself to her parents..!it just sad!!please post soon!you killing me hear!!YOUR AWESOME STIX!

    6. You’re right, the last chapter was pretty calm, compared to this. My heart is still racing from the high speed car chase! Love the car! How evil, pitting the Saab against the Aston Martin! Like a dinky tugboat against a speedboat or something. You wrote that part really well. I actually felt like I was experiencing it in the backseat, hopefully not beside Kelly and Sara though. I haven’t been to Ohio so I was imagining this is another city, with narrow one way streets. Ashley was so precious with baby Elizabeth, I’m sure she’ll make a terrific mother someday. I absolutely love how through all this … I could feel the love and protectiveness emanating from everyone around Spencer. She is one lucky gal, she deserves it after everything she’s been through. You know the best way to get to the chapter you’re so excited about? GET WRITING!!!! p.s. I LOVE Gage! I was laughing so hard when she said that having her trust fund taken away and living in Cleveland would be worse than being killed by her mother. I

    7. omg that was soo good! and it was so funny too! i loved the car chase! “ten and two, spencer, ten and two!!” i was laughing so hard! so funny. im so happy for spencer that her and glen can be happy, i just hope that it isnt some evil trick! but you wouldnt do that … right? pms, cant wait!

    8. awww…tht last part was so cute….im glad glen regrets what he did. omg “its a little spencer” had me cracking up… i can actually imagine ash saying tht… but yea i gota admit i wntd the smack down to happen…but yea im glad how it turned out..pms!!!!

    9. the ccar chase was frigin hirariously… so angered was spencer. I nearly cried for other reasons though, 1 i thought she was gonna crash the super sexy-mobil and two a touching fmily reunion.

    10. so… before I start, I just have to say that you better give us a fight scene against those bitches. Okay, im in no position for demands, but I’ll beg. Ain’ttoo proud to beg, best believe… but wow, this was awesome: Glen accepts/loves Spencer! but mushiness aside, this chapter had me rolling. it was too hilarious. example: Gage: No, it will be worse! She’ll take away my trust fund and I’ll be forced to live in Cleveland or something… and then how everyone was freaking out, especially Gage. Gah! You’re a genius, mixing serious and comical perfectly. Props, dude. Mad Props.

    11. Oh god! You make my nerves bad babe. That was an action packed chapter and so well done! Can I say YAY GLEN!! Whoo hoo, about freakin’ time someone in that twisted family showed Spencer some love…..and can I say that I’m very intrigued to see what’s coming up in chapter 42 or 43 lol! as usual I can’t wait!!

    12. The first half the story… LMFAO!!!!!! Omfg Spencer went INSANE!!! It was sooooo fucking funny!!!!!!!! I laughed out loud [literally] when Sara said ‘is anyone else getting wet from this?!’ and when spencer sang ‘HOLD ON!!’ lmao I can sooo picture that!!!! Oh god that was great!!!!! But I NEVER expected spencer to see glen during the chase. Usually clay is the understanding good brother and glen is the ass but in this story that’s opposite I guess, huh? Love it!!! Hahahaha I want a ton of lil spencers too!!!

    13. perfection as always :) uh yeah, what everybody else says above me- completely agree. car chase- omfglmfao! n’all that :D great action scene too- i totally felt their fear with spencer at the wheel. and of course- who can resist the warm fuzzies with the ashley puppy dog eyes and talk of little spencers :) love you stix! 4eva 4eva-eva! lol :)

    14. leave it to sara and kelly to have sex during a high speed car chase! lol. great chapter! I was completely shocked at how glen acted, but really happy about it too. so why isn’t he exactly welcome around the house I wonder? hopefully we’ll find out. ashley babies and spencer babies… that was just too cute. can’t wait to see what happens when spence finally comes face to face with the evil one!! pms please!

    15. damn that was intense and i loved every moment of it…the car chase brillant and so wonderfully written i could just see it playing out. glen…i hope is not playing around on her like clay seemed to do pms

    16. You are the best. I just freaking love everything you write. I bow before you. Haha. I did want them to get hurt but I thought the intervention with Glen was perfect. It was just awesome. Spencer babies haha classic. Your awesome it was awesome just awesomeness all the way around. :D

    17. so……i know ive ben lagging in my comenting whore ways lol ive ben super busy and my gf has me kinda….busy away from here lol so now im back hopefully lol anyways i read the sd update and i LOVED it i was so on the edge of my seat i thought i was gonna fal off the chair lol i was like “LIVE LIVE DAMN IT LIVE!!!” lol it was quite funny lol anyways i need a sequeal to your “baby” :P lol i loved the chapter before this one and this one i just….wow what i wouldnt give to be ashley when spencer was getting turned on ;) and im so glad glen was awsome lol :D so i hope this makes up for my whorish lacking ;) pms please and dont tell my girl….but i still want you to marry me *looks over shoulder nervously*

    18. dude what a great update…spencer in the car chase was hilarious. im really happy how glen responded and how great he was being. will we find out about if erica simmons changed or about arthur at all? hopefully the meeting with paula wont be too damagin for spencer but i guess nothing is worse than what shes already been through. this story could go on 4ever i think. loved the update. PMS

    19. Aww. This was a great update. Only you can go from a high speed car chase and having Sara and Kelly having sex to a heart warming brother-sister scene. It was great, and I can’t wait to read the next update.

    20. hahahaha, i really enjoyed this one. loved gage’s list, best part. wheres the drama with glen!? insane spencer scares me, i like can’t even picture her. she’s just so sweet and innocent! another wonderful chapter and i can’t wait to read more…sorry it took me so long to read this one. i’ve been writing heartless…like you asked. :-)

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