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    Miltary Life – (Chapter: Introduction(Look at HER!!!))

    Travis nodded and began to cry because he needed his solider to make it because she was the one who saved him on her first duty of Iraq last year.


    Seg. Powers, I need your ass to hold on to my shoulder and we are going to walk for two miles without any weapons to the base but I need you to trust me,’ shouted Ashley pulling Travis up on her shoulders.

    The next morning



    Spencer Carlin was a civilian nurse working the base on contract. She had just graduated her nursing course and she wanted to work overseas. She had less than 2 weeks until she got done with her contract in Iraq. She was twenty-two years old with nothing else planned when she got back to the states but to enroll back in medical school and become a doctor by the age of 30. She planned not for a family because she was young and beautiful.


    ‘Carlin, we have a code 165 located in wing 200,’ said Doctor Thomas Gray who was reading the papers over. ‘Can you go take pulses and everything until I get there? I have a solider who cutting his face down the hall?’ said the doctor with nice smile. Thomas Gray was a gray man who didn’t care about being out because he was a civilian working overseas. He was glad he was out of the military so that he could be open with sexuality. He was a cute guy who reminded Spencer of Brian from Queer as Folk.

    ‘Sure, Doctor…’ said Spencer who grabbed her medical instruments and began to the walk of death. She was always getting hit on by the soldiers who was in desperate need of getting some. She took a deep breath and pushed the doors of the corridor opened.


    She and two other nurses began to take pulses to find that hours had passed. Spencer heard her name being called to the desk.


    ‘Nurse Carlin, we have solider who needs to be checked on in room 125b. I heard she’s a handful,’ said the Nurse from behind the desk chewing gum reading the files.

    ‘Why me?’ asked Spencer pulling candy out of her scrubs.

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    1. I FREAKIN LOVE your ideas for different story lines for Ashley and Spencer. I enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I am the first to comment, YEAH!!!!!!

    2. I FREAKIN LOVE your ideas for different story lines for Ashley and Spencer. I enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I am the first to comment, YEAH!!!!!!

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