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    Miltary Life – (Chapter: Introduction(Look at HER!!!))

    ‘Because she only wants the best nurse caring for her.’


    Spencer giggled and grabbed the folder and began to walked up the stairs. She read the file ‘Ashley Davies?’ she thought long and hard about the name.


    Spencer walked in the room to find Ashley putting on her DCU shaking soflty.

    ‘Ms. Davies, I am going to have to stop you from doing that,’ said Spencer grabbing Ashley by the arm and gently pushing her on the bed. Spencer began to remove the boots and felt the piercing stared of Ashley who didn’t protest with Spencer pulling off her pants.

    ‘Now, Ms. Davies, can you tell me where you was going after being shot 3 times? Twice in the shoulder which by the way has a sling on it and once in the chest?’ asked Spencer crossing her arms on her chest. Spencer engulfed Ashley’s beauty. She had brown locks and a killer smile to die for. She had mahogany eyes that had a hint of orange in them. Spencer thought why a girl like Ashley would be in the military for. She looked like a model especially a magazine model.

    ‘Well, Nurse Carlin, I was going to my division so I began to pack and leave this hell hole. I was supposed to be leaving this Friday but now, it looks like forever since you are here,’ said Ashley with her infamous yet weak smile. Ashley had already fucked Spencer with her clothes on when she first took a look at her. Spencer had her hair pulled in a high ponytail with care bear scrubs on. She wore her white Nike shocks that day to work.

    Spencer blushed because she couldn’t believe that a woman was hitting on her especially a military woman was. Spencer had to admit that Ashley was hot even when in pain.

    ‘Spc. Davies, we will have you out by Friday…’ said Spencer checking Ashley’s pulse.

    ‘Damn, when the war was starting to have a good outcome,’ said Ashley licking her lips checking out Spencer’s ass.

    ‘Maybe in a month, you can find me and if you do back in the states, we will see about the good outcome,’ flirted Spencer back who couldn’t believe she was being bold.

    Spencer winked and closed the door.

    This war had to end soon because Spencer wanted to know about Ashley and in a naughty way too.

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    1. I FREAKIN LOVE your ideas for different story lines for Ashley and Spencer. I enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I am the first to comment, YEAH!!!!!!

    2. I FREAKIN LOVE your ideas for different story lines for Ashley and Spencer. I enjoyed this story and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. PMS and I am the first to comment, YEAH!!!!!!

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