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    Mirror (Re-post)

    Ashley:  "I guess your right."
    Spencer:  "Any other idea's?"
    She asked seductively.  Ashley sat for a second then that same devious grin 
    grossed her gorgeous features once more.  That grin excited Spencer every time 
    she saw it.  Not just because it was beautiful but because she knew that fun 
    would soon ensue.  
    Spencer:  "Uh oh."
    Ashley:  "You asked."
    Spencer:  "Your right.  What is it?"
    Ashley looked at the large mirror sitting at a 45 degree angle on the floor next 
    to her bed.  The entire bed could be seen through it.
    Spencer:  "I don't follow."
    Ashley got on all fours and began to crawl seductively towards Spencer.  
    Spencer, now kneeling, shivered as Ashley began to whisper in her ear.
    Ashley:  "Well If I can't video tape you…"
    She crawled behind Spencer so now they were both facing the mirror as she 
    whispered in her other ear.
    Ashley:  "…at least let me watch."
    As Ashley pulled the hair away form Spencer's neck and began to kiss and nip at 
    her neck it finally dawned on her.
    Spencer:  "Ohhhh."
    Ashley's hands ran down Spencer's sides before she grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt 
    and it was quickly up and over her head.  She now began to suck on her ear lobe 
    which always drove Spencer wild.
    Spencer:  "You know Ms. Davies for someone who hates school you’re very 
    Ashley:  "Only in Spencer 101."
    Spencer laughed but that laugh quickly turned into moan as smooth hands were gliding effortlessly up her thighs.  
    Before she knew it her skirt was around her waist.  Ashley had a firm hold on her pulse point.  Spencer's head lay 
    back on her shoulder as she reveled in the feel of Ashley’s warm tongue on her skin.  The sun continued to shine 
    through the shades.  The two figures cast in the orange, vertical, glow.  As Ashley's hands slid up those thighs they
     skimmed the inside feeling the impending arousal already leaving its mark through Spencer’s cotton thong.  Ashley 
    slid two slender fingers inside either side of the waist band of those now moist thongs and slid them off ever so slowly.  
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