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    Music to My Heart – (Chapter: 4. Congradulations, You’ve won a cancelation.)

    It had been five days since the girls last saw each other or even heard from each other for that matter. Those five days seemed longer and more agonizing as the week went on. It was now Monday and the home phone was ringing although it was morning. As Spencer prepared breakfast, Aiden answered the phone but soon took it to another room.


    Inside, Spencer had hoped it was Ashley, but her wishes were quickly put out. She remembered that she was supposed to be the one to call the musician, not the other way around, but she couldn’t spot a reason to call if it were to save her life. As the water sat in the pot and Spencer waited for it to boil, she began to rummage through a drawer full of papers and numbers. She searched and searched but it didn’t feel like she would find it anytime soon. That was, until it stuck to her finger like a sticky note should.


    She closed the drawer and pulled out her cell phone and dialed carefully to be sure she didn’t hit the numbers wrong and end up talking to some guy named Himshung for thirty minutes. The phone rang and rang and there was no answer. Spencer sighed and was tempted to hang up until, “Hello?” Ashley’s voice rang through the phone.


    “H- Hey Ashley, its Spencer Carlin.” She said nervously. She didn’t know why she called, but she was sure to need a reason soon.


    “Hey, how are you?” Ashley asked politely. She sounded like a robot that was way too polite. You know, the kind you would punch in the face if they weren’t made of metal?


    “I’m doing well, you?” She asked in equal politeness as she racked her brain for an excuse to call.


    “About the same, so what’s up?”


    “Nothing much, I was just um, calling to ask you for a favor.” Great, now she needed a favor to ask. On top of it all, she had known this girl for one night and hadn’t spoken to her in five days, and now she was asking her for a favor? How lame could she get?


    “Anything,” came the reply all too quickly.

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    1. Spencer Spencer Spencer…gah…this was a funny update. you’re 2/2 yesterday? sorry i didnt get to read it when you posted. bloody freakin….blahblah…paper…ANYWAY. i really enjoy this story and i like the movement with in.

    2. Spencer Spencer Spencer…gah…this was a funny update. you’re 2/2 yesterday? sorry i didnt get to read it when you posted. bloody freakin….blahblah…paper…ANYWAY. i really enjoy this story and i like the movement with in.

    3. I`m glad she forgot her plans with aidens so she can be with ashley. You go girl. Ashely making her moves. Aidens ass needs to be on the crub. Great chapter. PMS

    4. I`m glad she forgot her plans with aidens so she can be with ashley. You go girl. Ashely making her moves. Aidens ass needs to be on the crub. Great chapter. PMS

    5. Well I kinda feel bad for Aiden..*looks at the clock* Oh okay Im over it!!! Hmm well Im very very very VERY *add another very here* Very interested in seeing where this goes..cause even though I dont have a working leg..I want to dance with Ashley..I want to get my groove to move it move it..hehe..PLEASE OH PLEASE update soon..for though art most brilliant..and thee must do so for I might die in return from lack of there of!! lol..just update!!! ;)

    6. Well I kinda feel bad for Aiden..*looks at the clock* Oh okay Im over it!!! Hmm well Im very very very VERY *add another very here* Very interested in seeing where this goes..cause even though I dont have a working leg..I want to dance with Ashley..I want to get my groove to move it move it..hehe..PLEASE OH PLEASE update soon..for though art most brilliant..and thee must do so for I might die in return from lack of there of!! lol..just update!!! ;)

    7. Spencer’s in trouble. Spencer’s in trouble. Anyway, I was away, so i caught up on this and you’ll get all your comments in one go. I LIKE IT. I LIKITALOT. It’s my new word. likitalot. coined for thee. I was a cute five year old. Imagine me on my knees going… pweease miss nikki. pweeeease post more.

    8. Spencer’s in trouble. Spencer’s in trouble. Anyway, I was away, so i caught up on this and you’ll get all your comments in one go. I LIKE IT. I LIKITALOT. It’s my new word. likitalot. coined for thee. I was a cute five year old. Imagine me on my knees going… pweease miss nikki. pweeeease post more.

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