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    Music to My Heart – (Chapter: Your Sins into Me)


    “Um, Spencer you can’t cook.” Aiden received a punch in the stomach.


    “No, but I can try.”



    That night, Spencer was balancing 4 pots of food being cooked on the stove, and something in the oven. She ended up covering herself in egg and flour, but she hoped it was worth it in the end.


    The phone began to ring which took every thought out of Spencer’s head except answering the phone. “Hello?” Spencer asked answering it and then continuing to stir.


    “Hey Spence,” Ashley spoke, the smile apparent in her voice.


    “Hey Ash, and by the way, I love how you call me that.” Spencer said openly flirting.


    “I like how you like that I call you that.” Ashley returned the flirt. “So about tonight, do you really think it’s a good idea that I come over?”


    “Are you kidding me? I don’t think there is anything wrong with a friend coming over for dinner.” Spencer answered she was now beginning to feel doubtful.


    “That’s true, but no matter how much we try to ignore it, last night happened. And I don’t want to mess anything up with you and Aiden.”


    “You won’t mess anything up, I promise. Just, please come over for dinner?” Spencer asked. She looked in the oven then turned it off realizing it was done.


    “Why do you want me to come over so bad?”


    Spencer paused hoping to come up with a lie, but she couldn’t think of one. Softly she said, “Because no matter how hard we try to ignore it, last night happened and I’m glad it did.” There was a long pause that Spencer knew she had to break with something a little bit less serious. “Besides, I just spent 2 hours cooking. And I never cook. So you have to come over.”


    “Fine, when should I be there?” Ashley asked.


    “About eight o’clock.” She said, the water in the pot to her left was beginning to boil over. “Crap I have to go. See you at eight?”


    “Of course, Bye” Ashley said and then hung up her phone. It isn’t that she wanted to skip out on her friend. It was that she didn’t want to ruin the relationship her friend was already in.

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    1. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    2. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    4. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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