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    Music to My Heart – (Chapter: Your Sins into Me)


    As Spencer continued with dinner, Aiden walked into the room with a ghostly look on his face. “Hey did you clean the living room like I asked?”


    “Yeah, the house is ready for company.” He sounded annoyed, or aggravated… It didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde. “So uh, what happened last night?” He asked.


    Spencer was shocked. She froze up and didn’t know what to say. Did he know? Was it best to be honest? Did she lie? She had so many questions that couldn’t be answered. If she was going to pull anything off, it had to be quick. “Um, nothing out of the ordinary why?”


    “Don’t give me that!” Aiden shouted. “I picked up the other phone to answer it and I heard your conversation, Spencer.” His shouts echoed through the kitchen.


    “Aiden, nothing happened I promise.” She hated making promises she couldn’t keep. But she knew that neither of them mentioned exactly what had happened. Maybe she could get out of this without a scratch.


    “Spencer, don’t lie to me. I heard you both talking about something that happened last night, something that could possibly mess up our relationship. Now I want to know what it is and I want to know now.” He demanded.


    Spencer nervously turned off the stove top and dragged Aiden to the kitchen table. She sat down and took a large breath but was too scared to let it out. “Last night, Ashley and I went to this club and we got drunk. I know that isn’t a good excuse but it’s the truth. We went back to her house and we were about to go to sleep, or watch a movie, I don’t honestly remember. And then we…we- her and I- we…” She couldn’t even say it. She felt bad for hurting Aiden. Seeing the pain in his eyes was causing tears in her own.


    “Wait, so you not only cheated on me, but you slept with another chick?!” He shouted. It was hard for him to be turned down in the hardest way. He loved this girl since the day he met her and now she was cheating, with another woman.


    “Aiden, I’m sorry. I know it was wrong and I feel so horrible that I’ve hurt you.”

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    1. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    2. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    4. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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