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    Music to My Heart – (Chapter: Your Sins into Me)


    ‘Because no matter how hard we try to ignore it, last night happened and I’m glad it did.’ You said that yourself Spencer.” Neither of them thought it was possible, but Aiden’s eyes grew even redder as tears threatened to fall. “I’ll be home tomorrow.” He said with a sigh as he made his way to the door.


    “No, Aiden please would you just listen please??” Spencer begged with tears falling down her cheeks.


    Aiden stopped in the doorway. The cool night air chilled them both. “I’ve done enough listening, Spencer.” He said flatly and then he was out the door. Spencer let herself fall back against the wall behind her. She slid to the floor and began to sob. Everything she had going for her was crashing down.


    She looked closely at her watch realizing it was 7:54 PM and Ashley would be there any minute. It was too late to cancel, so she tried to make herself look presentable. The blonde stood to her feet and straightened her clothing. She looked in the mirror that hung on the wall to make the room look bigger. She wiped her tears and awaited the arrival.


    8:03 and the doorbell rang. Spencer answered it without a smile, the tears came apparent in her eyes. Despite how hard she tried to hide it, the tears wouldn’t stop. “Oh my god, Spence what happened?” Ashley asked walking into the house and closing the door. She wrapped Spencer into a hug but Spencer pulled away.


    “He knows and he left. Ash, he left.” She cried. She once again went to the floor and leaned against the wall as the tears ran down her face. Ashley was soon next to her on the floor.


    “Shh, it’s okay. Baby, it’s going to be alright.” Ashley comforted her. She wrapped Spencer into her arms and ran her hands over the blondes back. She couldn’t help but feel as thought she caused it all to happen. “I’m sorry, Spence. This is my fault; I’ll make it better I promise.”


    Spencer shook in Ashley’s arms. “It isn’t your fault. If you want to make me feel better there is one thing you can do.”


    “Anything,” Ashley responded.


    “Sing to me?”


    Ashley tried to think of a song she could sing softly to the blonde. She was willing to do anything. She chose a song carefully knowing that a sin didn’t necessarily have to be religious. What they did was a sin, but one they both would do again, given the chance. “Light, like the flutter of wings, feel your hollow voice rushing into me as you’re longing to sing. So I… I will paint you in silver. I will wrap you in cold. I will lift up your voice as I sink.
    Your sins into me. Oh, my beautiful one. Your sins into me. As a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer and I’ll beg for forgiveness. (Your sins into me) Your sins into me. Oh my beautiful one…


    She sang the song softer than the original, but she didn’t know what else she could sing.



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    1. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    2. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. And then Spencer sticks her hand down the side of the couch, gets stuck on Aiden’s needle, has to go to hospital and be checked and he turns out to be the badass right. Then it turns out he has HIV, and she needs to get tested adn Ashley is there for her all teh way through but Spence comes out clean. AND with Ashley, because Aiden is a dick. RIGHT? RIGHT? or, something like that. Loved it. I feel better, I do :) You’re medicine!

    4. Good chapter. I`m glad ashley is there for spencer. Now if only spencer will let ashley in. Now they can say bye to aiden for good. And get there freak on. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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