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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: The truth shall set you free … or not?)

    “No,” the blonde replied a little too quickly. “Why would I do that?”

    “I don’t know you tell me.”

    “There’s nothing to tell.”

    “Apparently there is something.”

    ‘No there’s nothing.”

    “Oh believe me there’s something,” Madison laughed out. “So anyways, where was Ashley when all of this happened?”

    “She has track practice; she doesn’t get out until another half hour.”

    “Well Carmen sure is a bold bitch.”

    Spencer rolled her eyes. “Please remove that b word from your sentence Madison.”

    “Alright, Carmen sure is a bitch. Was that better?”

    “Oh, perfect,” the blonde dead panned.

    “So are you going on this date with her?”

    “I don’t know,” Spencer shrugged. “I told her I’d think about it.”

    “But I thought this is what you wanted this whole damn time! I haven’t been lying my ass off to that beautiful Martian for no damn reason chica!”

    “I know but there’s something holding me back…”

    “Like guilt?”

    “It’s like a strange feeling deep down in my stomach…”


    “I get it every time I look into Ashley’s eyes…”


    “If I didn’t know any better I’d say it was …”



    “Oh girl you’re so stupid!”

    Spencer scoffed. “What? It’s not my fault my body rejects certain foods I eat.”

    “That feeling you have isn’t gas! What the fuck? It’s guilt.”

    “Maybe,” the blonde heaved a sigh and looked out her window. What she saw nearly made her drop her phone. “I’ve got to go.” she said hanging up her cell.

    She hurriedly walked over to her window and opened it. “Mom what the hell are you doing out there,” she hissed.

    There Paula was sitting on a tree branch with a pair of binoculars around her neck out side of her daughter’s window… in clear sight. “Um,” she stuttered out.

    “You know I can see you right?”

    “No you can’t, you can’t see me.”

    “I’m looking right at you!”

    “Nope, no you’re not.”

    “Have you completely lost it mom?”

    Paula pointed behind her daughter. “Oh my God look! It’s … a closet!”

    Spencer rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I’m not stupid mom.”

    “You’re right honey,” her mom sighed defeated. Suddenly she pointed again. “Oh my God look its Justin Timberlake!”

    Spencer’s eyes widened with delight and she quickly turned around. “Justin? Where?”

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    1. I have to agree with Madison, Spencer is STUPID and along with the guilt Spencer is feeling, I think she’s in love with Ashley but she’s still to obsessed with ugh…Carmen to see it. And if Paula went Postal on Spencer I’d be right there helping her kick her a**. Great update, can’t wait for the next one.

    2. paula’s been dipping into whatever caldwell’s on hasn’t she? lol it was hysterical though with her little GI Jane antics. poor ash, I dunno if the video is of spencer and carmen’s conversation or something worse but it doesn’t seem like it’s something that’s going to be good. spence needs to get her head outta her ass and wise up. excellent update, pms!!

    3. Awesome update, funny as always! I’m glad Ash is learning the truth, it’s about time Spencer gets whats coming to her! This way she can beg for Ashley’s forgiveness! So we all agree that Paula is totally crazy alien like insane right? Which is hilarious! PMS!!!

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