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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: The truth shall set you free … or not?)

    The blonde frowned when she saw no one. Figuring she had just been played she quickly turned back around.

    Her mother was nowhere in sight.

    “Damn she’s good,” the blonde muttered running out of her room headed for downstairs. She crashed into some one however in the hallway.

    “Wow honey, watch where you’re going,” Paula said straightening her clothes.

    Spencer’s eyes went wide with surprise. “How did you get up here so fast? You were just outside literally less than a minute a go.”

    Paula frowned in concern and placed her hand on her daughter’s forehead. “Honey are you catching or cold something?”

    “Cold?” Arthur asked walking out of his bedroom. “Is everything alright here?”

    “No,” Spencer hissed slapping her mother’s hand away. “Your wife has gone all G.I. Jane on me! She was just out in a tree looking through my bedroom window!”

    “Spencer are you okay,” her father asked.

    “I’m fine!” The blonde countered. “It’s her that’s gone crazy. Not me!”

    “Right,” Arthur said with a frown. “Honey, it’s been a long day why don’t you go take a nap and I’ll bring you some food or something?”

    Spencer heaved a frustrated sigh and stomped back to her bedroom. She missed however the sly smile Paula shot her way.

    At school

    “Good practice today Ashley, you were amazing out there,” a team mate called as the track team headed out of the locker room.

    Ashley smiled and waved. She frowned in confusion when she saw a strange shadowed figure headed her way wearing a dark trench coat, a hat and some shades.

    “Hey,” the strange person hissed.

    “Hello,” she said. “Do I know you?”

    “Maybe,” the figure answered. “I have something for you.”

    “Okay,” the Martian replied unsure.

    “Here,” the person said handing her a package. “It’s a dvd watch it when your girlfriend’s not at home.”

    “Why?” Ashley asked slipping the disk into her track bag.

    “It contains some very important footage,” the figure cryptically answered. “I’ve gotta go now. Don’t tell anyone this happened.”

    And with that the figure sprinted away. A little haphazardly but it was still out of sight pretty fast. Ashley shrugged and began to make her way home.

    Carlin’s House

    Spencer did finally find the courage to call up Carmen and say yes. She still got tat uneasy guilty feeling in her stomach though that she couldn’t shake.

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    1. I have to agree with Madison, Spencer is STUPID and along with the guilt Spencer is feeling, I think she’s in love with Ashley but she’s still to obsessed with ugh…Carmen to see it. And if Paula went Postal on Spencer I’d be right there helping her kick her a**. Great update, can’t wait for the next one.

    2. paula’s been dipping into whatever caldwell’s on hasn’t she? lol it was hysterical though with her little GI Jane antics. poor ash, I dunno if the video is of spencer and carmen’s conversation or something worse but it doesn’t seem like it’s something that’s going to be good. spence needs to get her head outta her ass and wise up. excellent update, pms!!

    3. Awesome update, funny as always! I’m glad Ash is learning the truth, it’s about time Spencer gets whats coming to her! This way she can beg for Ashley’s forgiveness! So we all agree that Paula is totally crazy alien like insane right? Which is hilarious! PMS!!!

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