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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: The truth shall set you free … or not?)

    Ashley came bursting through the front door all smiles. She ran over to her girlfriend and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek.

    “Hey,” Spencer greeted with a half hearted grin. “How was practice?”

    “It was fun, Coach calls me her secret weapon.” Ashley replied beaming. “Oh I got something for you,” she said rummaging through her track bag.

    Spencer eyes lit up when Ashley pulled out a yellow daisy and handed it to her. The Martian knew better than to giver her a rose. That didn’t go over to well last time.

    “This is so sweet of you Ashley,” the blonde gushed. “I love it.”

    “I love you,” Ashley whispered giving Spencer a kiss.

    Oh no there’s that gas or guilt feeling again. That’s it! Spencer couldn’t keep going on with these lies anymore. She had to tell Ashley the truth and she had to do it now.

    “Ashley there’s something I need to tell you,” Spencer said letting out a shaky breath as she sat down the flower.

    “What is it,” Ashley asked grasping the blonde’s hands.

    “I wanted to tell you that –“

    “It’s time to eat everyone!” Arthur called.

    Spencer’s confidence faltered. “I wanted to tell you we’re having your favorite dish tonight. Spaghetti!”

    “Yes,” Ashley cheered before dragging her girlfriend into the dining room.

    “We’re having your favorite tonight Ashley,” Paula said taking her seat at the table.

    “I love spaghetti. It’s the best! Well, I love it second to Spencer of course,” Ashley commented with a smile.

    “Well today’s a special occasion,” Arthur said. “Today marks the second official month that you have been with us here Ashley.”

    “Wow,” Spencer gasped.

    “I love being here with you all. You are truly like a second family to me,” The Martian gushed out. “I love you guys.”

    “Oh damn you Spencer,” Paula suddenly screamed jumping up from her seat.

    “Mom,” Glen said a little frightened. “What are you doing?”
    “She knows what she’s doing,” Paula growled pointing at Spencer who looked down guilty. “I need to take a walk,” the older blonde muttered leaving the house.

    “Okay,” Glen stretched out.

    “She’s been acting so strange lately,” Arthur said scratching his head.

    Spencer tried to brush it off. “Can you pass the meatballs?”

    Ashley handed her the plate. “So, if I have been here for two months that means it is our one month anniversary Spencer!”

    Spencer swallowed hard. “Yeah, I guess it is…”

    “Then that makes this a very special day,” Arthur smiled. “Congratulations.”

    Blonde sighed and looked down at her plate. “Why doesn’t somebody just slam ‘I’m a bitch’ right across my forehead?” She whispered to herself.

    Later that night

    When everyone was dead asleep in the Carlin household Ashley pulled out that dvd that the strange person had given her. A little nervous she put it into the player and hit play.

    She smiled when she saw her girlfriend on the screen. Her smile turned into a frown though when she heard the words being uttered out of the blonde’s mouth.

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    1. I have to agree with Madison, Spencer is STUPID and along with the guilt Spencer is feeling, I think she’s in love with Ashley but she’s still to obsessed with ugh…Carmen to see it. And if Paula went Postal on Spencer I’d be right there helping her kick her a**. Great update, can’t wait for the next one.

    2. paula’s been dipping into whatever caldwell’s on hasn’t she? lol it was hysterical though with her little GI Jane antics. poor ash, I dunno if the video is of spencer and carmen’s conversation or something worse but it doesn’t seem like it’s something that’s going to be good. spence needs to get her head outta her ass and wise up. excellent update, pms!!

    3. Awesome update, funny as always! I’m glad Ash is learning the truth, it’s about time Spencer gets whats coming to her! This way she can beg for Ashley’s forgiveness! So we all agree that Paula is totally crazy alien like insane right? Which is hilarious! PMS!!!

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