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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Chapter 2)


    After an awkward moment, I finally ask her, “So uh, you got a name or what?”


    She looks at me and smiles, and then tells me that her name is Josie, as we begin to make our way inside the club. We walk down a long corridor that’s illuminated by red lights that are spaced evenly on the ceiling. I can hear the music getting louder as we closer to the door at the end of the hallway. As soon as we started walking down the hall, I began to get that bad feeling again and it only intensifies as we reach the door. As Josie opened the door I feel as if I’m having a very bad trip on a number of different illegal narcotics.

    I feel as if I’m in the twilight zone as we step through the door; there’s the white light and then everything slows down for just a second as we cross over the threshold. Once my eyes adjust to the flashing lights, I take a look around. There are a lot of people here, there’s something weird about them, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Aiden and Josie go off to dance and I make my way to the bar.


    At the bar I order myself a beer, the bar tender hands it to me just as the song that Aiden and Josie had been dancing to ends. They start making their way to me and that’s when I notice that everyone is dressed in gothic attire.


    ‘Okay that’s a little weird, but I can deal, Goths aren’t that bad, a lot of them are actually really cool.’ I tell myself as the creepy felling comes back to me tenfold. I try to shake it off, but it won’t go away. I take a swig of my beet, it doesn’t help. I order a shot of whiskey, down it, but nothing works as I start to slightly panic trying to get rid of this feeling. Suddenly I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder; I spin around, ready to knock someone’s head off.


    “Hey man, calm down it’s just us…hey are you alright?” Aiden asks concerned.


    I just look past him at Josie and ask, “What kind of club is this?”


    1. I am currently editing the third chapter and hope to have it up soon. So don’t worry I will continue with it until ppl get bored with it. Lol.

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