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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Chapter 2)


    “It’s a club where we can all experience a new level of extacy, unlike any kind of man created drug.” She answers proudly.


     “What’s that suppose to mean?” I ask irritated by the cryptic answer.


    Instead of telling me, she takes my head in her hand, and then turns it down toward the end of the bar. I see an oversized punch bowl punch bowl filled with a dark red liquid, it’s so dark that it’s almost black. People are going up and dipping large cups into it, and drinking it as if they would die if they didn’t have it. She then turns my head to look up at the lounge area, what I see blasts me into a state of shock for a few moments. Up in the lounge there are guys and girls, each of them taking turns, biting someone and drinking that person’s blood. I stumble backwards a bit, trying to wrap my head around what I just saw.


    Aiden reaches out to steady me, I shake my head trying to clear it, and then I ask, “You did see everything that I just saw, right?”


    He nods his head, “Yea, I saw it on the way in.”


    “Well then what in the hell are we still doing here!?” I yell at him in disbelief. We are in an underground club, ran by vampires. I"ve heard of these clubs before, but have never been to one, let alone have I ever desired to be in one. The people that come here are called familiars. They get a thrill/high off of a vampire’s bite. They say the extacy of the experience comes from a vampires venom. It;s suppose to have a numbing effect close to heroine and send you into euphoria. Now vampires aren’t like what the books and movies have turned them into. About the only two things they got right are the living dead part and if a vampire bites you then has you drink their blood you turn into a vampire. Other than that nothing is true about them. They walk around in daylight,dress like normal humans. and they don’t have superhuman strength. The way these clubs got started is because they got smart; instead of draining someone of all their blood and killing them, they decided it was easier to keep their main food source alive therefore having more food.  


    1. I am currently editing the third chapter and hope to have it up soon. So don’t worry I will continue with it until ppl get bored with it. Lol.

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