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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Chapter 2)


     “Hey, come here dude, listen to this.” He starts to sing the opening lyrics to what he has come up with;


    “As my blood pours out I want you to know I did all of this for you.

    And I want you to know I cry at night when I think about you.

    And I wonder why I have all this pain inside,

    When I look into your eyes.

    I just want to cry…” he trails off and then turns to me, “That’s all I’ve got so far.”


    “Hey let me see it dude.” I say as I take the notebook and start writing. We spend the rest of the night writing the lyrics. At day break we’re still sitting on the couch trying to figure out what to call the song. That’s when I look out the window and see the sun rising over the Pacific. Its rays shining through into the living room, illuminating everything in a beautiful glow, making it all look new as the new day begins. I stare at it for a moment longer and then simply whisper “Dawn’s Early Light.”


    “What?” Aiden asks.


    “Dawn’s Early Light, that’s what I think we should call the song.” I simply state.


    Sarcastically He replies, “I didn’t know we were writing the Star Spangled Banner.”


    Shoving him playfully I say, “Don’t be a smart ass, besides we even have a line in the chorus that says ‘Let me hold you till dawn’s early light.”


    He just stares at me with an amused expression on his face.


    “Come on dude.” I’m starting to beg which is something that I hardly ever do.


    With a sigh he agrees on the name. At that moment I realize how tired I really am, with a yawn I tell Aiden that I’m going to bed. He shakes his head in agreement. He starts to get up from the couch and as I make my way to my room I tell him, “We’ll work on the beat in the next day or two.”


    He grumbles something and then goes to his own room. The rest of the day and the night is spent sleeping. Monday I get up at 10:00 and start looking over the lyrics to “Dawn’s Early Light.” I start to hear the tunes in my head when the door opens. It’s Aiden and he’s brought breakfast with him. I look up at him with my eyebrows raised, “What are you doing up this early?” I ask.


    “I had something to do this morning. Anyways I brought us some breakfast, waffles and coffee.” He says to me, “Besides what are you doing up this early?”


    “I don’t know I just woke up,” I reply to his question, “But anyways I started going over the beat for the song, I almost had until you walked in and distracted me.”


    “Do you remember it?” he asks.


    “No, not really, but I do remember the idea I had for it.” I tell him, “I was thinking the could start it out with like an orchestra feel to it and then go straight into it from there.”


    “Hmm…sounds like a plan.” He says as he walks into his room.


    1. I am currently editing the third chapter and hope to have it up soon. So don’t worry I will continue with it until ppl get bored with it. Lol.

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