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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Prologue/Chapter 1)

    "Shut up." he grumbled," but seriously she’s awesome."

    "So tell me where’d you meet her?" I asked him, not really all that curious. He always gets exited about every girl he meets.

    "I met her while I was studying in the library the other day." My eyes nearly pop out of my head after this statement. I stop dead in my tracks and stare at him like he has tentacles growing out of his ears. After a few seconds he asks a bit annoyed, "What?"

    As serious as can be I ask him, "You actually study!?!?" I quickly follow that question with another, as I start to smile. "And you mean to tell me you not only KNOW where the library is, but what it’s used for as well!?" By this point I can no longer control my laughter. I love making fun of this boy. He makes it too easy sometimes.

     "Why, yes I do." He states matter of factly and even throws in a mock glare. He shoves me slightly and joins in on my laughter. "Anyways we’re going out to this club tonight, if you wanna come and meet her, you can."

    "What kind of club?" I ask him cautiously.

    "Ummm…" He hesitates. "I don’t know. All she said was that it’s really cool and I would like it."

    "Man, I don’t think that I can, I have this test that I have to study for." I explain.

    "Dude, you can study for it tomorrow." he pressures me.

    "No I can’t, the test is tomorrow." I say to him, getting a bit agrivated.

    "Man," he says, drawing out the syllables, "you don’t have any classes tomorrow, it’s Saturday, remember?"

    "No it isn’t," I argue, "it’s Friday."

    "Bet me." he challenges.

    "Name your price." I challenge right back.

    "20 bucks." he simply states.

    We walk into apartment and walk straight over to the calender that’s on the wall that seperates the living room from the kitchen. As we look at the calender with the days marked of I realise Aiden’s right, today is Friday, not tomorrow, and plus the test is scheduled for next Friday.

    "So it’s settled, you’re coming tonight," he tells me matter of factly," Oh, and you owe me 20 bucks."


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