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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Prologue/Chapter 1)

    "Alright," he says like a two year old who just got told no for the first time, but then he raises his head exitedly and beams," Come on let’s go get ready."

    I watch him bound out of the room and think to myself, ‘God, if I didn’t know him I would swear he was gay.’

    I sit there, as I hear him get into the shower, still trying to figure out why I don’t want to go tonight. Suddeny I get this eerie feeling , but I quickly shake it off. I sit there for a few more seconds and then take a final swig of my beer, get up and head to my room. Once into my sanctuary, I close the door, turn around and just look. I look at my unmade bed, my desk that’s off in the corner with my laptop sitting open and papers cluttered all around it. Along the far wall is my dresser that has even more papers, also joined with empty beer bottles, coke cans, an ashtray full of cigarettes, a cigarette carton half full, and bags of chips.

    Next to the bed is my bedside table that holds my alarm clock, lamp, and small, but nice, stereo. Then in the opposite corner is my chester drawers. On top of that is my X-Box, with a bunch of other junk. At the end of the bed is my T.V. Underneath is my collection of DVD’s and X-Box games. I look at the opposite wall where my closet runs most of the length of mt room. In the corner between my closet and mybed is a pile of dirty clothes that I should probably wash. I walk over to my bed and just crash down on it. I reach over and turn on my stereo. I try to listent to the lyrics, but thoughts of why I don’t want to go start to fill my head.

    I get up and walk the two steps to my dresser. I look at myself in the mirror for a second, then I look down at all of the stuff that covers it. I wonder for a minute how long it’s been since I’ve seen the surface of the dresser. I can’t figure it out. Suddenly I find myself looking through the drawers, not looking for anything in particular, just looking. And as I’m looking I come across something that I haven’t seen in a long time.


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