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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Prologue/Chapter 1)

    Slowly I pick up the leather sting that it’s tied to and look at it spin on the end of the string. I stand up and grab a pack of smokes and the ashtray and then lay back onto my bed, I light a cigarette and place the ashtray onto my stomach and hold the make shift necklace up and let it spin again. It’s one half of a matching set of claddagh rings, inscripted on the inside it says "mo solas". It means my light (she always said thats what I was to her) in Irish.  I lay there smoking my cigarette, and then I hear the lyrics for "Best I’ve Ever Has" by Verticle Horizons fill the room, and I start to think about her. ‘Man, I can’t believe I actually forgot about this.’ I go back to when I gave this to her. I remember exactly what the day was like. I remember exactly what it felt like when I saw her there, what she was wearing, what she smelled like. I remember everything.

    It was the day that I was leaving with Aiden to come to L.A., four years ago. I’d asked her to come because I wanted to say goodbye. I didn’t think she was going to show, but she did at the last second. I was suprised to say the least, we had gotten into an arguement the week before. We had just graduated high school, I was tired of Ohio and wanted to leave, she wanted to stay home. When I saw her running down the street, as Aiden and I pulled out, I told him to stop, lept from the car, ran to her, and pulled her into a strong embrace.

    We held each other for so long it seemed, I didn’t want to let her go. As we pulled apart, she begged me not to go. I went to the car, reached into my bag in the back seat, and pulled out the rings. I grabbed Aiden’s dreamcatcher and cut off two long strips of leather and tied one ring to one of the strings and the other ring to the other piece of string. I walked back over to where she was and turned her around. I moved her soft, long blonde hair away from her shoulders and placed the necklace around her neck and tied it in the back. As she looked as hers, she saw the inscription in her ring. Hers said, "Alainn".


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