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    My Worst Enemy – (Chapter: Prologue/Chapter 1)

    I turned her back around looked her in the eye, she had that questioning look, wondering what it meant. "It means beautiful." I said gently, then showed her mine and explained to her what mine said. She smiled at me with so much pride. Then I started to explain what the rings meant, "There’s an old Irish saying that is suppose to be said when giving this ring to somone and that is: with these hands I give you my heart and crown it in loyalty. I love you Spencer and you have my heart." I then went on to tell her the story of the man who created the ring and how he was sold into slavery and many years later was returned to his love who had waited for him. "Wait for me Spence, I promise I will come back to you." With that being said and tears streaming down our faces, I gave her a final kiss, stepped back and got into the car. As we pulled out I mouthed I promise and made the sign for I love you. I didn’t stop looking back until she was out of sight.

    I should have known that was going to be the last time that I saw her, but I didn’t. She broke it off after the New Year. I guess she got tired of all the phone calls and me saying that I was coming home soon. I haven’t been home since I left. After she broke it off I retorted to my old ways of being… I quess you could call it a player, I’m not really sure. My life was just filled with drunken nights and meaningless one night stands. It only took a couple of weeks and I had a notorious reputation with all of the girls.

    As the lyrics of the song end, I’m snapped out of my thoughts. I hear Aiden getting out of the shower and decide to start getting ready. I put my cigarette out and put everything on the bedside table, except the necklace, for some reason I put that in my pocket. I walk around my bed, head over to my closet, and pull out some clothes then head on into the bathroom for a nice hot shower.

    Ok there’s chapter one revised. Let me know what you guys think and whether or not I should continue with it ot not.


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