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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Ahm, Excuse Me But That's MY Girlfriend You're Hitting On)

    “Hey,” I replied glumly.

    “Wow, what’s wrong with you?” none of your fucking business.

    “Nothing,” I sighed not wanting to talk about it with her.

    “Come on, I give pretty good advice,” she tried to pry it out of me.

    “Spencer’s going on a date with a guy that her dad picked out for her,” I answered unsure why I even responded. I guess I was just in need of a friend right now…

    “Ouch,” she grimaced in pain for me. “That’s brutal Ash.” I didn’t really like her calling me Ash, but I didn’t care enough to snap at her. I think she was just trying to be nice anyways.

    “You’re telling me,” I sighed wishing that this day would just end already.

    “So what are you going to do about it?” she asked.

    “What do you mean?” I asked confused. What could I do about it besides accept it?

    “Well, I just mean if she was my girl I wouldn’t take her going out with someone else, especially a guy.”

    “It’s not a choice,” I shot back getting a little defensive. “Besides she doesn’t even like guys.”

    “Still, what about what’s doing to you? While she’s off trying to gain daddy’s approval, you’re left to wait in hopes that she’ll return,” she stated. Was she trying to make me feel worse?

    “It’s, it’s not like that,” I stuttered out already a mess without her so called valued advice.

    “Sure,” she replied sounding like she knew what she was doing. Well, fuck her.

    “Spencer would never hurt me if she didn’t have to,” I was getting angry now.

    “Whoa, chill out there tiger,” she tried to calm me down which only succeeded in getting me more angry.

    “Don’t tell me to calm down. You don’t know anything about Spencer or what we’re going through.”

    “Really? Cause I think I do, and that’s what bothers you the most.” I didn’t even know how to respond. Blood boiled in my veins. I was angry, hurt, upset, but not all of it was at Jamie. No, most of it was at this whole stupid fucking situation. How many times was I going to have to go through this?

    “I got your picture. I’m coming with you dear Maria count me in,” my phone went off ending this awkward silence.

    “Hello,” I answered the phone not giving a shit if I was practically yelling at the person on the other end.

    “Ash,” I could hear Spencer almost crying on the other end. “Ash I can’t do it. I can’t do it,” I could hear her sob. It was the first time I’d ever heard Spencer cry before. “I just want to be with you.”

    “Where are you at baby?” I asked almost running to my car and leaving Aiden and Jamie looking bewildered.

    “I’m outside of The Galley,” she cried harder.

    “I’ll be there in a second Spence.”

    When we reached the ground, I could feel Spencer tense up.

    When we reached the ground, I could feel Spencer tense up.

    “It’s alright Spencer,” I tried to assure her. I squeezed her hand for reassurance before everybody started walking forward into the grounds. “It’s alright.”

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