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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Aiden's Right…The End is Near)

    “Then try me,” I mocked her again seeing the rise I was getting out of her.

    “Fine!” she shouted taking me by surprise. “My dad is making me go with this guy he met to the church picnic. See, it’s stupid,” she insisted falling back onto my bed and leaving me to my thoughts.

    Shit, maybe Aiden was right when he said somebody else would come and scoop her up if I didn’t do anything. Wait, Aiden right? My thoughts conflicted with each other, each one sending a wave of helplessness over me. But what sucked the most was it was then I realized, I didn’t want her to date anyone else…

    “I don’t think it’s stupid,” I finally spoke with sad eyes giving me away.

    “Why?” she asked sounding surprised.

    “Because…” I started, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her. I didn’t want to put my heart out there, just to watch it get smashed to pieces. No, so instead I didn’t say anything. I let her think that I didn’t give a damn she was with a guy.

    We didn’t say another word about it that day, but when I went to sleep I couldn’t shut off my brain. Covers stuck to my sweaty body as I tossed and turned, never finding that perfect cool spot to rest my head. All I could imagine was some random guy all over Spencer, his hands where my hands should be. His words making my girl laugh. His lips on her… Fuck, I couldn’t even bring myself to complete the thought, the image was enough to make to sick.

    I knew I liked her, but I didn’t know what to do about it. My whole life I’ve watched relationships fall to bits and pieces. I thought I could be happy as just friends, but then why did this hurt so much?

    “Ashley,” hands lightly shook me awake. “Ash.”

    “What?” I asked sitting up, realizing I had fallen asleep on the couch, and the house was now dark.

    “Come on,” the blond haired boy stuck out his hand helping me off the couch.

    “Is Spencer back yet?” I asked as he led me upstairs to Spencer’s old room.

    “No,” he sighed. “She’ll be back though,” he answered just as Clay had earlier. But I couldn’t help but doubt a little. I saw the pain in her eyes. I just wish I knew how to help her…

    “Try and get some rest now,” he told me before heading to his own room.

    “Thanks Glen,” I whispered before I changed into a pair of shorts and a t shirt. Laying on the bed, it was like I had gone back in a time machine. I was feeling the same insecurities I had at seventeen. I was insecure, worried, nervous, unsure, and hoping I could save the girl behind those deep blue eyes. The eyes that begged to be set free, those eyes that seemed to penetrate the darkest places, they called out to me. But I never knew how to respond. So I did what I knew my seventeen year old self would do, I snuck out…

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    1. Poor ashley hopefully she can find spencer and help her. I also think it’d be cool to see what spencer’s thinking so that we can know why she keeps running from ashley. PMASAP!!!!!!!!!!!

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