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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Anybody Up For A Midnight Swim?)

    “No butts,” Spencer laughed again. “You don’t want to go back to your house wet,” she tried to reason with me even though we both knew I‘d do whatever this girl asked.

    “Stupid cloths,” I murmured under my breath as I unhooked my bra, but as quickly as it feel, my arms came up to cover my exposed breasts. Sighing, I quickly pulled down my thong and ran into the water. When I hit the water, I was met with a freezing invite, as the it took over my body, washing away my worries. Moonlight reflecting off the surface, I would never admit it to Spencer, but I was glad that I came.

    “See that wasn’t so bad,” Spencer laughed at me.

    “You suck,” I grinned back before making sure to splash her.

    “Oh, you are so dead,” she splashed me back before swimming away.

    “Come back here…”

    The next thing I knew we were both shrieking and spraying water at each other in every direction we could. The idea of silence was long gone, as our voices took over the night life.

    “Not even cool,” I shrieked as she dunked me under the water.

    “Ha ha ha,” Spencer chuckled sending another wave of water over me. “You suck at this…” Spencer started before, it happened…

    “Who’s out there?” a deep voice called out bringing us back to where we were.

    “Shit,” I whispered. “What do we do, what do we do?” I panicked attempting to cover myself up even though I was completely submerged in water.

    “Shhh,” Spencer hushed.

    “Is someone there?” the voice came again.

    “They’re getting closer,” I whispered urgently to Spencer.

    “Ok, on the count of three we get our cloths and run,” she stated taking control. “Ok, Ready. One, Two…Three!” she shouted running on to shore with me trailing behind her. The adrenaline rushed through my body as we scooped up our cloths an ran back the way we came.

    “Who’s there,” the voice called after us, as foot steps trailed behind us.

    “Quick,” Spencer pulled me behind a shed. Taking this opportunity, I started putting my cloths back on, no even caring if I was still wet. In a matter of seconds, Spencer and I were both fully dressed and I was trying to not have an asthma attack.

    “I know you’re here somewhere,” the voice sounded close.

    “Shh,” Spencer told me before pushing me into the shed, and covering me with her warm body.

    Her wet body was pushed into mine. She was so close to me that I almost forgot that we were hiding from someone. I could feel her heart beat in her chest, her shallow breaths across my face. Strands of blond hair fell into my face. God, she smelled so good…

    “I think he’s gone,” Spencer stated bringing me back to what we were doing. “Lets make a break for my car.”

    “Ok,” I whispered back knowing I‘d do anything she told me to in a whim.

    She had me wrapped around her finger, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    I don’t remember tripped, or how I cut my knee. I don’t remember panting for air, or hearing the wind whistle by my head. All I could remember was the way my hand seemed to fit perfectly into hers, or how her voice seemed to wash away all my fear. Spencer has been there for me so many different time. Now all I could do was sit on the couch, watch out the window into gloomy day, and wait for my girl to come back.

    I don’t remember tripped, or how I cut my knee. I don’t remember panting for air, or hearing the wind whistle by my head. All I could remember was the way my hand seemed to fit perfectly into hers, or how her voice seemed to wash away all my fear. Spencer has been there for me so many different time. Now all I could do was sit on the couch, watch out the window into gloomy day, and wait for my girl to come back.

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    1. I’m totally up for a midnight swim especially if its with ashley…j/k. Spashley swim was pretty cute though. Hopefully spencer won’t do something stupid. PMS

    2. Really good story, keep up the good work.You may want to reread it before posting though, there seems to be a number of sections repeated one after the other.

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