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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Burning Eyes and Burnout Souls)

    “I know dad,” Spencer shifted farther into the couch. “I met him at Valley Fair.”

    “Well, I’ll let you guys talk,” Arthur smiled completely oblivious to the whole situation.

    “I’m out of here,” I got up as soon as Arthur was out of the room. I headed straight out the door, unable to deal with everything that was happening so quickly. Making my way to the drive way, I felt someone catch my arm.

    “Ash, wait,” Aiden grabbed my arm.

    “What Aiden?” I asked getting angry. I didn’t want to be here anymore. I needed, I needed, God I needed out.

    “Let me explain,” Aiden begged. “Can, can we please just talk?” Truthfully, I didn’t want to hear the boys side of the story. I wanted to slap him for being so insensitive. But he’s been my best friend, my only family for so long, he deserved to at least be heard out.

    “Fine, explain,” I stated impatiently.

    “Mr. Carlin asked me at church to take his daughter out. I figured I should take her instead of some other random guy Ash. I don’t plan on trying anything. I already told you I’m interested in someone else,” the boy spit out making me feel bad for doubting his intentions, but the whole situation was driving me crazy.

    “I’m only taking her as friends,” Aiden assured me. “I’d never hurt you like that Ash. You know that.”

    “I’m sorry Aiden, I just, I just got caught up in everything,” I apologized. “I do trust you, I just really really like this girl Aid.”

    “Then don’t let somebody else get to her first,” he told me again, but I already knew I had to do something. If watching her go on one date was this hard, what the hell was I going to do if she started going out with someone else? I wouldn’t be able to bare it.

    “Thank you Aid. Tell Spencer I said bye.”

    “Anytime Ash, I’ll make sure to have her home by nine,” he winked at me before walking back into the house. Sighing, I turned around, doing my best not to look back. I knew I would just have to trust Aiden. He’d never let me down before…


    The girl just looked at me like I was speaking some sort of foreign language.

    “Come on Ash, we both know I was the biggest disappointment ever. I couldn’t just be normal like Clay and Glen could I?” she asked angry like she was the day we packed up and left Minnesota. She never stopped being angry, but I think it helped her cope. Cause if she couldn’t be angry, than she could only be sad, and Spencer didn’t know how to cope with that.

    “You have to stop being angry at him Spencer,” I was getting frustrated with the girl next to me. No matter how I tried to remedy the situation she never listened to me. She believed what she believed, and it was so hard to get her to realize something when she had already made up her mind.

    “I can’t Ash,” she said sadly.

    “Why not Spencer?” I asked hoping to avoid another run around. I loved this girl to death, and I’d go with her to the end of the world. But we had to get past here first.

    “It’s hard,” she sighed leaving us in silence and leaving me wondering where to go from here.

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    1. great update i just read like all of the chapters and i love your story! i figured id just commented on this one instead of all of them! awesome job PMS!!

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