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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Haven't You Ever Heard Keep Your Elevator Eyes To Yourself ?!)

    She wrapped her arms around me, and placed a kiss on the back of my neck.

    “I love you too.”


    When Aiden answered the door, he looked shocked. But after he saw the look on my face, he didn’t ask any questions. He just told us to come in.

    Leading us into his backyard, he had a bonfire going. A girl was sitting next to the fire. Brown curly hair cascaded down her face, definitely hot. She was one of those people that remind you of celebrities, but you can never figure out which one. When she saw us, she seemed curious.

    “You must be Ashley,” she smiled. Is she psychic?

    “Um, yeah,” I answered unsure of how I was supposed to reply to that.

    “Aiden talks about you all the time.” Ah, well now I at least know how she knows me.

    “What else did he tell you?” I asked curiously. When I looked over at Aiden, he would look anywhere but at me.

    “Well I know that your middle name is Marie. You’re almost eighteen. You used to have a puppy named Sam when you were five. You got kicked out of your first daycare when you were younger for refusing to wear cloths. You met Aiden at the second daycare. You got suspended from school once for getting into a fight, and another time for initiating some sort of riot.”

    “Damn,” Spencer laughed. “She knows more about you than me.”

    “Wow, Aiden can you not find anything else to talk about. I mean, I’m flattered, but why didn’t you just give her my life story?”

    “Well, you’re my best friend,” Aiden tried to justify himself.

    “Yup, that’ it,” I rolled my eyes.

    “I’m Jamie by the way.”

    “I’d introduce myself but apparently you already know me,” I joked glaring at Aiden.

    “I’m Spencer,” Spencer partially waved at her.

    “So where do you go to school?” I asked curious. I’d never seen her at our school before.

    “I actually go to Spencer’s school,” she stated.

    “You do?” Spencer asked sounding so confused. “How do I not know you? We are like the smallest school alive.”

    “I came second semester last year.”

    “I’m so confused,” Spencer groaned.

    “Ah, it’s alright babe,” I laughed rubbing her shoulder reassuringly. “I still love you even if you are totally oblivious.”

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