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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Haven't You Ever Heard Keep Your Elevator Eyes To Yourself ?!)

    “Who did you hang out with?” Spencer wouldn’t give up.

    “Spencer let it go.”

    “I somehow managed to get sucked into this group with a Latina chick, Madison? I think that’s her name. I honestly didn’t pay much attention.”

    “Madison?” I asked confused. “Oh my God, it’s a small world.”

    “Wait, you know Madison?” Spencer asked, an epiphany taking place.

    “Yeah, she made my life hell until she moved in the eighth grade. She’s the chick I got into a fight with.”

    “And won,” Aiden added.

    “Oh yeah, I totally kicked her ass,” I laughed at the memory. Oh, good times. Good times.

    “Dude, what did you do to her that made her hate you so much? Seriously she still talks about you,” Jamie asked finding this all very amusing.

    “I spread a rumor in the fifth grade that she had herpes. Nobody would go near her for weeks,” I grinned still very very proud of myself.

    “I don’t like her either,” Aiden tried to add to the conversation.

    “That’s nice Aiden,” I laughed.

    “Hey, I helped you spread that rumor,” Aiden tried to defend himself.

    “You didn’t even know what herpes was!” I laughed harder at the boy.

    “I knew it was kind of like cooties.”

    “You have no idea how innocent you sound right now.”

    “Yeah, well I’ve heard you’re not to innocent,” Jamie seemed to raise her eyebrows interested. Was she hitting on me? No, she couldn’t be.

    “Well Spencer never stops. She’s all over me,” I joked earning a evil glare from Spencer.

    “Really?” Jamie sounding even more intrigued.

    “So you ever been with a girl?” I asked wanting to know if she even liked girls.

    “A few times,” she smirked. It could have just been my imagination, but I think she just gave me the elevator eyes. Spencer must have sensed something, because she all of a sudden she grabbed my face, and pulled me into a deep kiss. I thought it would be quick, but she was sliding her tongue on my bottom lip. I felt like we were behind closed doors again, so I couldn’t help but move over to Spencer’s chair without breaking the kiss. Straddling the girl, I made a mental note of getting Spencer jealous more often.

    “Hmm,” Aiden cleared his throat. Without losing contact, I just flicked him off, and went back to focusing on the girl below me.

    “How do they even go that long without air?” I could hear Aiden ask.

    “Would you like me to show you?” Jamie asked. I don’t know if they said anything after that, because my focus went back to the lips pressed against mine.

    “So this is what you guys do on Saturday nights,” a deep voice stated scaring the shit out of me. When I turned around I could see Aiden’s dad standing there looking from me and Spencer to Aiden and Jamie.

    “Couples night?” Aiden shrugged his shoulders.

    “Yeah, is that what they call it these days?”

    “Yup, that’s it,” I chuckled nervously.

    “Don’t worry Mr. Dennison,” Jamie assured him. “We were just having a little competition.” I could feel her eyes on me as she spoke. It made me wonder if Aiden realized any of this.

    “Yeah, we’re going to go to sleep,” I told no one in particular before grabbing Spencer’s arm and getting out of the awkward situation, for now at least.

    When I woke up, my back was sore. I also think I had like seven different slivers.

    When I woke up, my back was sore. I also think I had like seven different slivers.

    “Spencer,” I lightly shook the sleeping beauty.

    “Spencer,” I lightly shook the sleeping beauty.

    “Hmm,” Spencer sighed.

    “Come on baby, lets go inside,” I untangled myself and stretched my limbs.

    “Ok,” Spencer mumbled getting up and following me inside. Judging from how she seemed now, I was going to guess that tomorrow morning wasn’t going to be so fun for her.

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