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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: If You Won't Go Away Will You At Least Stop Talking?)

    With the clock ticking down, Monday came. And so did my misery.

    “God I miss you already,” I told Spencer over the phone as I drove into the school parking lot. “I’m going to see you after school right?”

    “Of course,” I could hear Spencer laugh at my pit fullness on the other end. “But I got to go Ash. I’ll see you later.”

    “Ok, bye Spence,” I unwillingly said goodbye.

    “I love you Ash,” Spencer tried to cheer me up.

    “Love you too Spence,” I replied before hanging up. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at brick prison that held me until three nineteen.

    “Well, here goes nothing…”


    The hours of hell didn’t speed by, but I guess they never really do. So I went to my first period class feeling like I’d been there for hours. While “classmates” talked about all of their summers, I sunk into my desk, and tried to pretend like I wasn’t there. Lucky for me, I’m already practically invisible. The only time anyone really notices me is when someone makes a smart ass comment, or I pull some sort of stunt when someone pisses me off. So I doodled on my notebook and tried not to fall asleep.

    When lunch finally came, I felt like I was losing my mind. Sitting on the table waiting for Aiden to show up, I let my head rest on the table. I wonder how Spencer is doing right now.


    Spencer pov

    It felt so weird to be away from Ashley. We’re always with each other, and now she feels forever away. I can’t even call her cause the teacher keeps going on about something I couldn’t pay attention to, to save my life.

    After Aiden’s, I wanted to see Jamie at our school. I wasn’t a fan of her, but I still needed someone to talk to during the school day.

    When lunch came, I sas her standing in line. I must have caught her eye, because she smiled at me. Smiling back, I waited for her to get her food.

    “Hey Spencer,” Jamie smiled as she sat her tray down next to me.

    “Hey, not sitting with Madison today,” I couldn’t help but smirk.

    “Na, do you think she’ll freak,” Jamie laughed almost making me forget why I didn’t like her much the first time. Maybe this could work out.

    “Well, you might be killing your reputation by just sitting with me, but ditching Madison, you’ll be a legend.”

    “Speaking of Madison…” Looking up, I could see Madison coming this way. Great.

    “Well if it isn’t the freak,” Madison greeted me just as friendly as ever. “So I heard you and a freak from my old school hooked up. Are you guys life partners?” she asked putting on that sarcastic tone. I could feel hands ball up into fists. I almost dared her to keep going.

    “Shut the fuck up,” I spat back hoping she’d just go away.

    “Aw, what’s the matter Spencer? Can’t take a little joke?”

    “She said shut up,” Jamie inserted noticing my body tensing up, ready to throw a punch if I have to.

    “So, you’re with the freak now huh?” Madison turned her attention to Jamie.

    “Na, I just left the freak,” Jamie smiled loving this.

    “Trust me, you don’t want me as an enemy,” I could feel Madison try to intimidate Jamie, but Jamie just soaked it in, loving every minute of Madison’s attempt.

    “Careful not to break a nail,” she laughed.

    “Whatever, you got lucky this time Carlin,” Madison turned to leave, a group of girls following behind her.

    “Doesn’t she just make you feel all warm and fuzzy?” Jamie laughed.

    “Yeah, thanks for help.”

    “Well, couldn’t have you getting suspended on the first day. Ashley probably wouldn’t approve of that.”

    “Na,” I shrugged still trying to figure this girl out. I couldn’t see her intentions, and I didn’t like that. She seemed nice though, seemed…


    Ashley pov

    Ashley pov

    The next time I woke up, I made sure to get Spencer up and into a shower. Clay was already showered and getting ready.

    “Hey,” Clay greeted me as I walked downstairs waiting for Spencer to get out of the shower.

    “Hey,” I half heartedly smiled.

    “How is she doing?”

    “I don’t know,” I sighed. “She still won’t really let me in since…”

    “Well Spencer is really stubborn,” he tried to comfort me.

    “Trust me. I know,” I groaned.

    “Whatever you do though Ash,” Clay looked me in the eye being completely serious. “Don’t give up. Don’t back down.”

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