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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: I'll Tell You Mine If You Tell Me Yours)

    “Spencer you know she won’t understand. Besides, you won’t talk to her. You’ll just get angry and start yelling Spence.” I could see the girl besides me blush at the mention of her impatience with her mom.

    “You’re right,” she sighed resting her head in her hand. “I’ll just tell her I’m going to Aiden’s.”

    By the time I dropped Spencer off, stopped at home, and finally got to Aiden’s, Jamie and Aiden were already laying on the couch watching TV.

    “So is this all we’re doing tonight?” I asked wishing that Spencer’s mom wasn’t on to us.

    “Yup,” Aiden replied locked onto the TV.

    “Hey Ashley,” Jamie waved to me from the couch.

    “Hey,” I tried to reply even though I was impatiently waiting for Spencer to show up already.


    When Spencer did finally show up, I felt like I had lost my mind watching the couple cuddle on the couch. The way Jamie was acting towards Aiden made me wonder if the other night I had just been seeing things, maybe…

    “Hey babe,” I ecstatically greeted Spencer as she came in through the door. “See I told you it would work.”

    “You were right. She was more than happy to let me come hang out with Aiden,” Spencer seemed to smile sadly, making me feel bad for asking her to lie.

    “Come sit down with me,” I pulled the girl down onto the love seat and into my lap. I could feel her struggle a little bit with me comforting her, but she eventually settled down and watched to TV, leaving me to mindlessly stroke the beautiful blond hair. Lately she’s been letting me in a little more and more. It was taking time, but I’d wait forever if I had to. And even though nothing was really going on, I loved just being close to my girl. I loved feeling her around me, and being able to comfort her with small gestures. Everything was perfect.

    “Hey Ash, can you help me grab a few sodas?” Jamie asked crawling out from her comfortable spot on the couch and disrupting my peaceful state.

    “Sure,” I sighed relentlessly. Moving out from under Spencer, I followed the girl into the kitchen…

    Spencer pov

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    1. jamie just aggrevates me. even when she speaks im just like go away u digust me. even though she has done nothing wrong yet its just taken to long to knock down spencers walls. love it

    2. Oh man…I’m dying to know whats going to happen. Eventhough jamie hasn’t done anything yet it seems she knows exactly what she’s doing and its not gonna be pretty. PMS!!

    3. Ashley’s the virgin in this fic, thats a little different, but I like it. I wouldn’t trust Jamie even if you the author said she was okay. PMS!!!

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