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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: I'll Tell You Mine If You Tell Me Yours)

    When Ashley left with Jamie, I couldn’t help but worry a little. I knew I was being stupid. I had hung out with Jamie all week, and she seemed really cool. But part of me still couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in her head. Usually, I can at least get a grasp on what people are really thinking, but every time I thought I knew she completely switched, leaving me to wonder what was really real.

    “So,” Aiden sat up from the couch making me realize for the first time tonight that he was actually there. “Have you and Ashley…”

    “Have we what?” I asked knowing what he was probably getting at. He had a one track mind.

    “Come on Spencer,” Aiden laughed wanting details.

    “Done what?” I asked now for sure knowing what he meant, but loving making him beg.

    “Have you guys done it.”

    “No,” I smiled back at the frustrated boy. “Not yet.”

    “So are you still a virgin?” he looked at me curiously, almost like he was imaging it.

    “No,” I replied not really knowing what to say. “Sophomore year was my first time.”

    “Really?” Aiden asked bewildered his attention now off the TV and onto me.

    “Yeah,” I didn’t understand why he was so interested.

    “You know Ash is still virgin right?” Aiden asked like a big brother.

    “Really?” now it was my turn to be curious. “I just thought that after all of Madison’s stories that…”

    “They were all just rumors,” Aiden sighed. “She says she was just waiting for the right person, someone she really loves.”

    “I’d never hurt her Aiden,” I assured Ashley’s giant teddy bear. “I love her.”

    “Good,” Aiden paused before he smirked. “Now I expect a complete set of details afterwards.”

    “Oh my God you are such a guy…”

    Ashley pov


    I didn’t quite understand why I needed to help carry sodas. It wasn’t that hard to carry four of them, but I decided to just not ask questions. What was the worst that would happen anyways?

    “So, how long have you and Spencer been together?” Jamie asked digging around in the frig.

    “Since around the beginning of summer,” I replied not sure if she was just making small talk, or had a different point.

    “That’s cool,” she smiled before pulling out a soda and setting it on the counter directly behind me, to the point where I could feel her breathing on my neck, and her body was almost pressed up against mine.

    “Um,” I awkwardly shifted down the counter and away from her. I didn’t know what to think. It was weird with her being that close since I had Spencer, and because I actually found her somewhat attractive.

    “Sorry,” she apologized. “I just needed somewhere to set the pop.

    “It’s fine,” I felt bad for automatically assuming she was hitting on me. So, I just stood there and watched her pull out the other three sodas.

    “So what’ll it be Ashley,” Jamie raised her eyebrows quizzically. “Rootbeer, grape, or cherry?”

    “Anything,” I sighed wanting out. Grabbing the sodas on the counter I headed back into the living room, and snuggled up to Spencer again hoping to reassume the peaceful state we were in earlier. But of course someone hates me, because Spencer’s phone rang. And of course, it read mom.


    Getting into the bathroom, by this time, all the warm water was gone. The bathroom mirror was already steamed up, and I was left with the remains. Stripping down, I climbed into the cold water, and let it run down my body. The time slowed down, helping me regroup all of my stray thoughts. Today, I was going to need all the help I could get.

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    1. jamie just aggrevates me. even when she speaks im just like go away u digust me. even though she has done nothing wrong yet its just taken to long to knock down spencers walls. love it

    2. Oh man…I’m dying to know whats going to happen. Eventhough jamie hasn’t done anything yet it seems she knows exactly what she’s doing and its not gonna be pretty. PMS!!

    3. Ashley’s the virgin in this fic, thats a little different, but I like it. I wouldn’t trust Jamie even if you the author said she was okay. PMS!!!

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