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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: I'm falling for you. NO, I'm literally falling for you.)

    “I’m not going,” Aiden repeated over and over again hoping I’d spare him. He was wrong.

    “Aiden I can’t go on alone, and I don’t want to end up riding with some weird guy who smells funny,” I begged leaning up against the railing.

    “Ash you know I hate roller coasters, and this one has already broken down in the thirty minutes we’ve been standing in this line.”

    “But it’s new and wooden.”

    “Can’t we just go back to the tilt a whirl or the scrambler?” Aiden asked.

    “Nope, we’ve been waiting in line; we might as well go.”

    “Fine,” Aiden admitted defeat. “But if I die I’m so coming back to haunt you.”


    “Does this line ever fucking move?” I could hear someone scream impatiently in front of me. Turning my attention away from Aiden, I looked up the line to see who was yelling. But much to my surprise, instead of seeing someone obnoxious stuck up prick, I was instead met with soft blue eyes filled with fire and intensity.

    “See something you like?” Aiden asked elbowing me in the side.

    “Funny,” I smiled dismissing what I had just seen and playfully punching Aiden in the stomach.


    About another thirty minutes later, and thirty more minutes of listening to Aiden complain, we were on the ride about to leave the station.

    “Ready Aid?” I laughed at the petrified expression on his face.

    “I hate you,” he mumbled as his knuckles turned white from the death grip he had on the bar.

    “I love you too buddy,” I smirked as the train began to leave the platform.

    It picked up a little speed as it left the station until it came to the first hill it had to climb. I could feel the anticipation as we made our way to the very top. Slowly but surely, we creaked inch by inch foot by foot, until… we stopped.

    “What’s going on?” Aiden immediately asked fearing the worst.

    “Um, maybe it’s part of the right ride?” I suggested unsure.

    “No, no, no, this is not suppose to happen!” Aiden stammered.

    “Aid, calm down,” I stated trying to hide my laughter.

    Suddenly realizing the height we were at, I looked around and took in my surroundings. I could see Home Depot to our right. I was about to tell Aiden this, in hopes it would ease his nerves until I saw her…

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